Easter and a Cookie Arrival

Hello lovelies! Did you all have a nice Easter? I spent the Easter weekend down in Devon with my parents and had a lovely time with the whole family. We haven’t seen each other since Christmas, crazy! I took Tuesday off work too to extend my Easter weekend just that bit longer, hello three day working week.


Easter was spent doing what I normally do when I go back down to Devon, eating good food and catching up with friends. Ryan and I had dinner with my friends who are moving to Australia, met with Ryan’s friend who is at University down there, went on a tour of Plymouth, had a pub lunch, visited my Grandad in hospital and I drove for the first time in over a year. Phew! I took some photos along the way, so here goes…

My friend Adam has just set up his own business doing tours of Plymouth so of course Ryan and I had to go on the tour! I lived in Plymouth for 18 years before leaving for University so I would say I knew the area and the history of Plymouth fairly well. But I was wrong, the tour was so thoroughly researched and in depth that it opened my eyes and definitely got me wanting to know even more about the history of Plymouth. Plus I got to see places that I’d never seen before.


The famous Cap’n Jaspers food hut.


Plymouth Harbour.


West Hoe looking over to Mount Edgcombe.

We also enjoyed a massive family lunch with everyone I hadn’t seen since Christmas. My Mum did a massive Chilli and lots of fixings, it was delicious. Plus I had a Spritz on the side – yum!

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No family gathering as far as I’m concerned is complete without pudding. Everytime I go home my Mum always buys me a lemon drizzle cake from Marks & Spencers. They are simply the best, I’ve never had one to rival it. Even when I lived in Italy I asked my family to bring me out lemon drizzle cake. Seriously, go and buy some. They’re so good. So good in fact, that I didn’t want to share! Yum!



That pretty much sums up the main highlights of my Easter weekend. I love going home because it means someone else gets to do the washing up plus I get to see all my friends who I normally go months without seeing.

When I got home on Tuesday evening there was a very exciting package waiting for me….My cookies from my cookie swap with Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes!


I’ve already tasted one and they are so moist and peanut buttery, just absolutely delicious. Thanks again Jemma for the cookies and Tam for organizing the swap!

Did you have a good Easter? Do you know much about the history of your town?

2 thoughts on “Easter and a Cookie Arrival

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