Fitness Catch Up 9/4 – 15/4

A crazy busy week for me with travelling, lots of work and seeing friends meant not much time to work out. Well, that’s my excuse anyway!

Here’s how I got on this week!

Monday –

Rest day.

Tuesday –

Sports massage.

Wednesday –

Rest day.

Thursday –

Legs, Bums and Tums class for half an hour. Didn’t feel this class as much as normal, maybe I wasn’t working so hard? But afterwards I could feel an ache under my ribs, so maybe I did?

5 Minutes on the treadmill. 0.8km.

Friday –

Rest day.

Saturday –

Walked up to Reigate Hill and back which was very steep. 1.62 Miles. 35 Minutes. Lovely walk and so peaceful. Killer hills though, and definitely one to conquer with my running!

Sunday –

Ran 4.76 Miles. Did one lap of the Sports Relief route I did a few weeks ago with a bit more tacked on. I had to walk up the hills but it’s a nice straight forward hilly route that I can keep practicing to improve on. I might even try and have a go at running it mid week next time. 58 Minutes. 12:11 pace. Although my pace was slow I think the walking held me back as on the other bits I was busting it out fast!

Not the best of weeks, yet again. But next week I’m back to spinning, LBT, and maybe if I get up early enough a couple of early morning sessions plus a 7mile run on the weekend. We’ll see if it actually happens that way!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!