Sugar Detox – Day 1 (again)

Today has been pretty good in terms of my detoxing I think!

I woke up and had a lemon and ginger tea and got ready, as always! For breakfast I had half cup of oats with a cup of rice milk, 10 frozen raspberries and then 4 fresh strawberries on top. This was yum! The fresh sweet strawberries really balanced out the tanginess of the raspberries.

Around 11am I had a small Graze box of dried cranberries and raisins with almonds. Yum yum! I love dried cranberries so much, they’re so delicious!

At 12.30 I had my lunch which was very filling. 2.5 tbsp of couscous with lots of leaves, half a red pepper, half a tin of tuna, sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes and some munchy seeds. This lunch kept me very full! I’m making a conscious effort to try and have more protein at  lunchtimes, hence the tuna, as I think that will help keep me fuller for longer and reduce my cravings! For after I had 10 fresh strawberries as something sweet.

Mid afternoon I had a pink lady apple, yum yum! It’s normally in the afternoons that my willpower starts to crumble, and I have to admit I was very close to getting some chocolate but I fought the temptation. 1-0 to Emma!

When I got home from work I had a couple of Jacobs High Fibre Crackers with lactofree cheese as a snack before starting my work outs. It did the trick and held me over until 8.30pm. Workouts were hard and sweaty,including Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred, 40 min spinning class, 1.6 mile walk and a crunchless core workout courtesy of Sparkpeople.

Dinner was a 2 Happy Hen omlette with lots of fresh spinach, some frozen veg and half a tin of baked beans. Very filling and so quick to make. Sometimes I think there’s no excuse for pingping meals when you can make an omlette in 3 mins!

After dinner I was really craving something sweet, perhaps out of habit more than anything else? I went and had a shower, did the washing up etc and this seemed to curb the craving. The saying is true of waiting out a craving for 20 minutes to see if you really want it! I made myself a Sleepy tea just before bed and called it a night!

All in all, I’m pretty happy with how day 1 went. I learnt from last time I need to wait out my cravings and I know I just need to learn to have a bit of willpower!


Total calories today – 1443

Minutes of exercise – 110

Calories burnt – 669

All taken from my Sparkpeople log

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