How I’ve been getting my sweat on lately


When I was younger exercise was never really a priority, so much so that I used to pretend I was ill to miss lessons – particularly ballet. However since going to University and gaining the inevitable ‘Freshman 15’ (and then some) I’ve begun to exercise more and more, trying lots of different things. This past summer I think I’ve finally found what works for me.

I never really used to enjoy running but saw it as something I should be good at if I was to consider myself fit. Oh how wrong I was! You can be fit in so many ways, not just how fast you pound the streets. Having said that, I have begun to really enjoy running outside as a way of exploring and clearing my head. It feels so good to be out in the fresh air and getting lost. (It does not feel good to go running at 2pm on one of the hottest weekends of the summer, as I learnt this weekend). I’m running a half marathon at the end of this month and whilst my mileage has been no where near what it should be I feel confident that I’ll finish. I’m planning 10/11 miles this weekend and I know if I can do that I’ll manage it. I think I’ll finish in about 2:30 hours which I know for most is super duper slow, but for me I care about finishing. Next time I’ll focus on time.

I also flirted with boxercise at the beginning of the summer and really enjoyed the classes. I love being in a class atmosphere, having some great tunes and pretending to punch the hell out of someone I don’t like! But boxercise didn’t really agree with my already stiff shoulders and muscles and I soon found it clashed with what has become an even greater love of mine.

Having recently purchased a Groupon for a local yoga centre in my town I soon discovered that they practice hot yoga. Wow! Hot yoga in my sleepy Surrey town, I would never have thought it. Having practiced Bikram with Tam in July I knew it was something I had to get involved with and I’m so glad I did. I’ve been going to the hot yoga class once a week and dipping in and out of other classes as my schedule allows and I have to say I think I’ve finally found ‘my thing’. The centre is so warm and inviting and the crowd is pretty young and very friendly, making my quest of finding friends in a new town slightly easier than joining the ever ageing WI! I love how strong yoga makes you feel, the improvements you can see and most importantly for me, the time to chill out and relax.

My gym membership expires in October and I’m seriously considering giving it up in favour of yoga, even if it is more expensive! To be honest I haven’t been to the gym in easily about a month because I’ve been going to so many yoga classes and going out for runs, or even enjoying myself. I haven’t missed the gym yet, but I do worry about the coming winter months and if I’ll be motivated to pound the streets outdoors instead of a warm non-icy treadmill!

With that I’m off to another yoga class to practice my crow!



Cupboard Basics: Spicy tomato sausages

Cooking for that’s quick, easy and doesn’t cost the earth is really important to me. I don’t often get the chance to cook for guests so having meals I can rustle up from cupboard basics and that reheats well is always a bonus in my books!

I’ve had a packet of sausages sat in the freezer for a few months now and decided to defrost them for something tasty over the weekend. Had the weather not been quite as fantastic as it was I’d have probably stuck with sausage and mash. Boring but easy. Instead I ended up going out in London Friday night and spent Saturday night catching up with a friend and the sausages remained uneaten. By Sunday I knew I had to do something with them, and using a few stock cupboard basics I think I rustled up a quick, tasty and budget friendly meal.

Ingredients (Serves 3/4 depending on how hungry you are):

6 good quality sausages (I used pork and leek but pretty much any sausages would work well)

1 carton of passata

3 cloves of garlic

1 large onion

Dried Italian herbs

1 1/2 cups of frozen peas

Lots of lazy chilli

Spray low calorie olive oil

1 tbsp of tomato puree


First up I fried off the garlic and softened the onion with a few sprays of low calorie olive oil.

Meanwhile chop the sausages into small bitesize pieces and add to garlic and onions.

Cook everything so the sausages begin to brown to make sure they’re cooked thoroughly.

Next add 3 tsp of lazy chilli and the tbsp of tomato puree. Coat everything in the chilli and tomato paste. It’ll start to smell pretty good by this point!

Once everything is coated add the carton of passata and as much Italian herbs as you like. For me, the more the better!

Take it up to a high heat until it starts to bubble and then turn it down to a low simmer to allow all the flavours to come out, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile start to have a think about what you’re going to eat this with and start preparing it. I think it would be perfect with salad, rice or in my case, pasta. I think it would be a great filling if it was baked in a lasagne too.

Once whatever you’ve decided what you’re going to pair this up with, add the frozen peas in about 5 minutes before everything is ready. Then it’s good to go!





Tonight I served this with a type of pasta called Risoni, so named because its shaped similarly to rice grains. It’s left over from when I lived in Italy and brought back lots of it. It’s really similar to Orzo rice and works really well with a pasta salad.






The finished product all plated up and good to go! The passata made this really rich in tomatoes and the chilli gave it a really good kick. If you like things spicy feel free to add even more chilli. I think this would work well with any leftover veggies you’ve got in the fridge, particularly mushrooms! Plus I’ve got another two generous portions of this waiting for me ready to reheat one night after work – perfect!




The Nutritional Stats

  Calories Carbs Fat Protein
Total 1231 95 61 79
Per portion (x3) 410 32 20 26


Weightwatcher ProPoints: 33 Total (11 per portion)

Still here, just!


Wow it has been a long time since I last blogged. To be honest I have kind of fallen out of love with blogging a little bit. I’ve had a million and one things to do taking up my time and I’ve been having fun!

I’ve got even more exciting things coming up in the next few months and I can’t wait to share them. If you’re still reading this, thanks for sticking with me!