The month that was | November 2012 edition



Back at the beginning of November I was excited about a really busy month. Although I haven’t been posting much, it’s probably due to how busy I’ve been this month!

At the beginning of the month I went to visit my brother and his girlfriend in Southampton and had a great meal out with my family at The Rockstone. I also got my car back and drove my longest distance to date from Southampton to Surrey!

I’ve also had some really great nights out. One for my friends birthday in London to Dirty Martini, one out with my girlfriends in Essex, and one out with a Uni friend in Bristol. Phew! Plus not forgetting watching Rufus Wainwright in concert and a fireworks display. I had a great time at all of them and managed to wake up hangover free each morning after – now that’s what I call winning!

I went to the cinema twice this month – once to see Skyfall (my first Bond film!) and once to see Twilight (at midnight opening night!). Both were amazing in different ways and I’m so glad I saw both on the big screen.

My November spending challenge went really, really badly – hence the lack of updates! I spent so much money on various things and to be honest December hasn’t got off to a great start! But I’ve thought about most of the Christmas presents for people and I’m confident I can do this on a fairly good budget.

I haven’t found a flat/room for next year but I’ve started looking and have a pretty good idea of what’s out there. Let’s just say – living in Surrey is not a cheap option. Grrr!

However despite all of that I think my highlight for November was conquering my fear of driving! Whilst driving to my friend’s in Essex one dark, raining Friday night I happened to get a bit lost and ended up going from Surrey to South Wimbledon, nearly over Tower Bridge, back on the M25, via a closed ferry and a never ending roundabout to giving up on my SatNav and nearly going home, to finally using my phone to get me there. What should have been an hour and 50 miles to Essex turned into 3 and half hours and over half a tank of petrol! It turns out my SatNav was set up to avoid Tolls and go for shortest over quickest route. But still, if I can manage to go all around south London from West to East and not freak out too badly and survive – I can do anything! Lands end to John O’Groats road trip here I come!!!

How was your November? What was your highlight?

A Little More About Moi!


I’ve seen this little survey floating around cyberspace and on Hannah’s blog and thought it would be fun to share a little more about me Smile.

Are you named after anyone?
Only my middle name – Lesley – which is after my Nanny’s maiden name. My Dad wanted to call me Erin after someone in the Waltons, or Robyn (thank goodness he didn’t – with my natural red hair and large assets I’d forever be known as Robyn Red Breast). My Mum wanted to call me Emily but my Grandma vetoed it after a mean Granny she had!

When was the last time you cried?
I get really weepy watching TV shows like X Factor or anything that involves a bit of a sob story so probably last week! But I don’t remember the last time I had a proper cry, maybe May?

Do you have children?
Nope. I sometimes feel myself getting a bit broody, but then I see a screaming child in a Supermarket or fear for my ankles on a daily basis thanks to micro scooters and I thank myself I’ve got a few more years yet.

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I’d like to to think so. When you first meet me I can be quite quiet and shy and really it’s just me trying to figure out the other person. But after a little while I tend to blossom and I can be pretty fun I think. I am definitely a lot more fun than I used to be – a year in Italy will do that to a girl. Winking smile

Do you use sarcasm a lot?
All the time, not a day goes by without some sarcasm. It’s one of my favourite forms of humour. I wish it would translate better over a written medium.

What’s your favourite cereal?
I go through phases with cereal. When I was at University I went through a phase of eating Nesquick for every meal. I think I was going through a box every two days. Now I’m a big fan of Coco Pops as a treat, but I normally have porridge before work.

Whats the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmm, teeth and eyes I think. Good teeth says so much about someone! I even broke up with a guy because he had bad teeth. Oh, and hair. Pretty vain right?

What’s you eye colour?
Blue. I really like my eyes actually and I get loads of comments on them.

Scary movies or happy endings?
Ooh both. Scary movies are best for watching with friends whilst having a giggle. And happy endings are perfect for on your own or with a close friend.

Favourite smells?
My favourite perfume is Victor and Rolf ‘Flower Bomb’. I’ve had this perfume for years and I simply love it. It’s my special occasion perfume so if you smell it on me you must be special. I also really love Thierry Mulger ‘Angel’ because it reminds me of my Grandma.

Summer or Winter?
I like summer for salads and fresh food and going out without a jacket. But I love Winter for comfort food, puddings, jumpers and scarves and cosying up with a good book.

Computer or television?
Hmmm, a couple of years ago I would have said TV, but since discovering blogging I think it would be computer. Sad eh?

What’s the furthest you’ve been away from home?
Probably California last year when I spent three weeks travelling with my best friend. We had such a blast and I have some amazing memories from it.

Do you have any special talents?
I don’t think so. I kind of wish I did but I never really kept at anything long enough.

Where were you born?
I was born in Plymouth, Devon. Plymouth is such a fantastic place, next to the sea on one side and you have the countryside on the other side. So perfect. I went to University in Birmingham for three years which couldn’t be more different and I actually really miss it up there in the big city. I also lived in Italy for a year in Tuscany as part of my degree. Now I live in Surrey which I’m just beginning to get to know properly, although it doesn’t quite feel like home just yet.

What are your hobbies?
I love my kindle and it has made such a big difference to how much I read, so that’s a big one. I also enjoy running although I’m pretty slow, and I’ve just got into yoga in a big, big way. Does going out for dinner and wine count as a hobby, because I love that too? And I absolutely love cooking and baking whenever I can.

Favourite movies?
I love old films a lot, particularly musicals. My top highlights include Breakfast at Tiffanys, Singin’ in the Rain, High Society, Calamity Jane, and more recently Romeo and Juliet.

Share your answers or links in the comments so I can get you know about you guys too Smile.

My Magic Song | November Edition

I fell in love with this song after hearing Adam Cohen sing it supporting Rufus Wainwright last weekend. I was blown away by the lyrics, it sums up love to me. *soppy much?*


I know what you look like in the morning
Your kisses are soft and warm
I can draw you with my eyes closed
See you with nothing on but the radio
I know how many years of French you took
Your favourite movies, your favorite books
I know what really gets you going… glowing

I know where you go with your beautiful friends
I know what you taste like when the night ends

I know the kind of thing that makes you laugh
The way you tilt your head for a photograph
What other guy knows you like that?

And I can name the first guy you ever kissed
I can name the perfume on your wrist
What other guy knows you like that?

Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne

I know what you want by what you’re wearing
The kind of night you’re preparing
I know what your hands do when you’re kissing
Your number one and number two favorite positions
I know how your skin glistens… listen

I know where you go with your beautiful friends
I know what you taste like when the night ends

I know the kind of thing that makes you laugh
The way you tilt your head for a photograph
What other guy knows you like that?

And I can name the first guy you ever kissed
I can name the perfume on your wrist
What other guy knows you like that?

Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne

I know where you go with your beautiful friends
Yes I know what you taste like when the night ends

I know the kind of thing that makes you laugh
The way you tilt your head for a photograph
What other guy knows you like that?

And I can name the first guy you ever kissed
I can name the perfume on your wrist
What other guy knows you like that?

Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne
Oh, Anne

Rufus Wainwright in Concert

This past Friday I travelled down to Bristol to catch up with my family and to watch Rufus Wainwright. My family are all big Rufus fans, Ive seen him once before in Birmingham and was blown away. It was honestly one of the best shows I had seen, so needless to say I was psyched about going to see him again (especially if he did any Judy Garland covers again)!

We stayed at the Travelodge in central Bristol which was a great location and nice and clean etc. We started off early in Wetherspoons and a lovely glass of Riojia. Quickly becoming my favourite!


Rufus was playing in Colston Hall in London so after another glass of wine we headed inside to watch his two suppory acts before the show started proper at 9. The first support had an incredible voice. She actually reappeared later in the night as one of Rufus’ backing singers. The second support was the amazing Adam Cohen. The first song he sang was so beautiful, almost as beautiful as him ladies!!! My Mum kept saying to me ‘You could do worse’ – Thanks Mum!!


At around 9 o’clock Rufus finally came on looking splendid in what he discribed as his ‘Paddington Bear’ outfit. I must admit that I hadn’t realised Rufus had a new album out so I was expecting to know more of the songs than I actually did. But his performances were fantastic, he is such a great showman. Lots of chat with the audience and such a beautiful voice. He did a solid 2 hr perfomance before things started to get a bit weird in typical Rufus style.



First Cupid came on stage and started to tell an extravagant story, then a jazzy wizard type guitar player, a woman with whips and an Egyptian boy. Like I said – weird! Then Rufus came on dressed as Apollo with plenty of glitter and a blonde wig. It wasn’t until he started singing with a long sandwich that I started to think maybe I was dreaming or tripping out! All in all it was a spectuacular show.




I’m glad to have discovered Adam Cohen and see Rufus Wainwright perform again. It wasn’t as good as the first time I saw him perform but then again I’m not sure anything will be! If you get the chance to watch Rufus I really recommend it!

Recipe | Cupboard Basics | Lentil and Bacon Soup

As we’re now half way into November winter is well and truly here and I find myself looking for comforting warm meals to eat and make. I first had lentil and bacon soup in an Eat restaurant in Birmingham a few years back and ever since then I’ve been thinking about recreating it. I honestly can’t believe I waited so long, because it was so easy!

What you’ll need:

-Onions *as much as you like (I use frozen chopped onion and just poured a load in)*

-Bacon *5 rashers*

-Red lentils *2 cups*

-Carrots *2 medium sized chopped as big/small as you like*

-Stock cubes *3 disolved in 1.5litres of water*

-Spices *Chilli powder, cumin, tumeric – about a tsp of each*

This really couldn’t be any easier. I started by frying off the frozen onions until softened, then added the bacon. Once the bacon was cooked I added in the spices and stirred it all in. The smell was amazing! Next up I added the carrot which I’d sort of cubed, and also the red lentils.


I stirred everything up and poured in the boiling stock. I added a litre initially and then when it had all been absorbed I added a further half litre. It takes about half an hour for the lentils to cook and soak up the liquid. You have to keep stirring it though because it gets very thick and could stick to the bottom of the pan.


You could make this as thin/thick a soup as you like. I personally prefer mine soup-er thick (geddit?) but if you added more stock it would get thinner. You could also add some tinned tomatoes as a bit of variety.

This recipe was so easy to make and really cheap too, so an ideal thing if you’re looking to use up some odd ingredients hanging around. Plus it can freeze well so you can heat it up for a last minute meal. Yum!

Hummingbird Carrot and Walnut Cake

On Sunday afternoon as a ‘Thank You’ to someone in work for fixing my computer I attempted the Hummingbird Bakery’s Carrot and Walnut Cake.


I used gluten free flour in place of plain flour (purchased accidentily), and I’m really pleased with how it looks. The cakes seemed a little crumbley, but I suspect that’s the flour I used.



No idea how it tastes though, but as I’m not eating dairy I won’t even try it Sad smile. Oh well, it’s not for me anyway!



Have you ever made anything from the Hummingbird Bakery cook book? Have you ever used gluten free flour?

My Birthday and Christmas Wishlist

It’s less than a month until my birthday and not much longer until Christmas, and friends and family are pestering me on what I’d like. I’m in such a fortunate position that I was for nothing, so it’s always tough for me to choose what I’d like to receive. As good timing would have it, I was recently contacted by the people at Ask Her Friends to let me know about their site.

Having been the victim of several dodgey presents from friends and family (errr, genuine possom fur nipple warmers anyone? – from my Gran!!!), I totally get the premise of this site! It definitely would have saved me from a few forced ‘Thank Yous’. I struggle knowing that friends and family have spent their hard earned money on something that I wouldn’t choose for myself.

I’ve had a look round the site and if I got to pick for myself this year for my birthday here’s what I’d pick:

Hair and Beauty


Fake Bake Kit from Feel Unique

Liz Earle Kit from John Lewis

Food and Drink:


Champagne and Chocolates from Fortnum and Mason


Cheese and Wine Box from Fortnum and Mason

Spa and Beauty Treatments (My favourite bit!)

Deluxe Spa Day from I Need Pampering

Indulgent One Day Pamper Package from SpaBreaks

Have you ever received a dodgey gift? Would you use the site?

The Rockstone, Southampton

On Friday night I left work a little early and took a train down to visit my brother and family in his new home in Southampton. It’s hard to believe the last time my whole family was together in April. I miss my baby brother sometimes! Only he’s not a baby – he’s 21!

After a long train journey involving a very strange smell and a man so hungry he ate the contents of his nose – ew, I know – I finally made it to Southampton. After consulting with Trip Advisor we made a family decision to go to The Rockstone, ‘a country pub in the centre of town’. It was a great decision and I would recommend to anyone in Southampton.

Great burgers and great ales. Yum!


I Am What I Am

I am what I am
I don’t want praise I don’t want pity
I bang my own drum
Some think it’s noise I think it’s pretty
And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
Why not try to see things from a different angle
Your life is a shame
Do you can shout out I am what I am
Do you can shout out I am what I am
I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces
It’s one life and there’s no return and no deposit
One life so it’s time to open up your closet
Life’s not worth a dam till you can shout out
I am what I am
I am what I am
I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces
It’s one life and there’s no return and no deposit
One life so it’s time to open up your closet
Life’s not worth a dam till you can shout out
I am what I am
I am I am good
I am I am strong
I am I am somebody
I am I do belong
I am I do belong
I am I am useful
I am I am true
I am I am worthy
I am as good as you
I am as good as you
I am I am good
I am I am strong
I am I am somebody
I am I do belong

November Challenge for Spendaholics–Week 1


Howdy all! How is your chilly November going? I’m really starting to feel a bit festive and I’m already excited for December. Woohoo!

So, I expect you’re wondering how I’m getting on with my challenge! This week hasn’t been too tough to be honest, but I’ve not really been going out much!

Thursday 1/11 – No unnecessary spending as such:

£1.45 on a train ticket

£8 on two glasses of wine in a pub with my friend

Friday 2/11 – Didn’t spend a penny!

Saturday 3/11 – Again, no unnecessary spending as such, just money spent on socialising:

£4 on a bus ticket

£3 on entry to the firework display

£7 on two glasses of mulled wine (How could I not???)

Sunday 4/11 – Very restrained again today, even going down to the high street, although I did have a mini splurge of sorts:

£18.74 on a weeks shopping in Morrisons. Enough for dinners and lunches for the whole week

£12.59 on two birthday cards and a 2013 diary. I can’t believe I’ve already got things to put in there for next year!!!

£120 on some super sexy UGG boots in the asos sale. Although I put the UGG boots on my card I’ll be getting the money back for them as they’re going to be a birthday/Christmas present so they don’t really count on my spending!!

Monday 5/11 –

Had a bit of a crazy moment and entered myself for a couple of races – a half marathon and a triathlon. Yes I’m crazy. I’ll explain more about my choices in another post!

£20 on my half marathon entry

£110 on my triathlon entry.

Tuesday 6/11 –

I spent nothing today and I worked out. Winning!!

Wednesday 7/11 –

My dinner plans got cancelled and I stayed at work later than normal so I popped into Morrisons for some quick food.

£5.70 food shopping.

Total spend for the week –

£189.28 not including me UGGS. Holy crap thats a lorra money. I know £130 is race money but still, I managed to spend another £60 in the week without really noticing. Best buck up my ideas for next week!!!