Fashion Want | Cowboy Boots

Three years ago I bought some fantastic mini cowboy boots by Bertie. I have loved them so much and we’ve seen so many great times together that they’ve now had their day. Even though the sole has split and flaps, I still wear them (ok, maybe not in the rain), and I’ve been on the hunt for a replacement pair all winter.



After all my wearing, it appears I can only find two photos. I have, however, discovered I don’t get many full body photos taken of me!

The closest I’ve found is this pair by Frye on asos, but at £185 they’re a little out of my price range.

Image 1 of Frye Billy Short Brown Western Boots 

Does anyone know of any cheaper, but still well made, versions of this boot? They’re so versatile you can honestly wear it with just about anything!

Please help a girl out!


I just wanted to check in and remind you all again of the #surreylbloggers brunch. It’s on Saturday 2 February, 11am at Bills in Guildford and I’m really excited to meet some of my favourite girly lbloggers.

I really hope some of you can make it! And you don’t need to have a blog or be an lblogger to come!

Don’t forget to let me (@stripesnapshots), Ellie (@ellieB_pixie), or Catherine (@luxlifeblog)  know if you can come!

The story of the curtain rail

001 004I’ve got a funny story to share with you all today that’s a highlight of communal or shared living! I currently live in a slightly run down flat, or as estate agents would describe it, one with ‘character’. The result of this is single glazed windows, threadbare carpets, a salmon pink bathroom, dodgey electrics, peeling wallpaper and things that break easily. I could go on….

The issue of the curtain rail happened quite simply. The rungs of my curtain are a tad tight on the rail resulting in you having to yank them somewhat harder than normal to close. And even then there is an annoying gap of curtains about 2 inches that just won’t meet.

But one day I just pulled too hard and the middle support of the curtains fell down! Crap I thought, the whole of the support and the nails literally came out of the wall. I hoped that my housemate hadn’t heard anything and that the rest of the curtains would remain on the wall for the rest of the night.

The next morning luckily the curtains were still attached to the wall, although I didn’t hold much faith in them because of the bend between the middle of the curtains. I took it upon myself to do what all 21st century girls in my position would do without their Dad nearby to help. I bought some No More Nails. Knowing how heavy the curtain rails would be I even bought the extra strong stuff!

That night after reading the instructions and ensuring that my bedroom door was still firmly shut I attempted to mend the middle curtain support myself. I put a generous amount of No More Nails on the curtain support and placed it firmly on the wall in the correct position. The instructions dictated to hold the object in place for at least 5 minutes. So I stood, on a wheeley desk chair, infront of my curtains with my arm against the support. It was a long 5 minutes.

Once the 5 minutes were up I tentatively removed my hand from the support on the curtain rail, to see if it had stuck. As I moved my hand away the curtain support began to peel off the wall. I quickly replaced my hand and thought I’d give it a few more minutes to see if that would help.

Sadly, the extra minutes didn’t help, and the curtain rail remained attached just by the lower lip. So, I got creative. I began applying No More Nails on the wall and the curtain rail support in the hope that it would help, and waited for around another 10 minutes with my hand holding it in place.

Again, the extra glue didn’t work, and I began to lose faith in No More Nails. How could it manage to hold a chair against the wall with a person sat on it if it couldn’t hold my curtain rail? Suddenly I realised the reason it wasn’t working, my wall wasn’t level! And no amount of No More Nails could fix that!

So I left the curtain support attached in the middle by just the lower lip and prayed that everytime I opened and closed my curtains it wouldn’t give way. I think I managed about a month carrying on like this before my Dad finally came to visit me.

When asked if there was anything I’d like him to bring from home my request to my Dad was simple – tools to fix the curtain rail.

When my Dad came and saw what had happened he couldn’t help but laugh. My curtain rail certainly did look a sorry sight with No More Nails smothering the wall and support. So he tried his hardest to fix the curtain rail.

My Dad’s first attempt didn’t work. The wall was too fragile and was crumbling away. Eventually a combination of No More Nails and actual nails seemed to keep the curtain support up. We were in a hurry to get on and visit my family and so neglected to tidy up the mess made by the curtain rail.

That night, away from the flat and with all thoughts of the curtain rail firmly in the back of my head I was enjoying a lovely meal with my family. Then, I got a text from my housemate saying there had been a big crash in from my bedroom and it turned out the middle support had fallen off the wall. Eeek! And I hadn’t even tidied up the mess to make it look like an accident. I told the family about it over the dinner table and they all thought it was hilarious. I text back saying that I hoped everything was ok, and to see if there was anything I could do.

When I got back home that weekend I discovered the whole curtain rail was taken off the wall, just in case the whole thing was to come crashing down. For about two weeks in the height of December I was without curtains, not the best time of year, when curtains are needed to keep in the warmth.

I came back to my Surrey flat in January to find the curtain rail reattached, but in a different, slighly less level position.

I’ll always be careful about closing my curtains from now on….

Thai red veggie curry

In an effort to save money when you live on your own and cook for one, bulk meals are key. This meal is no different and it’s cheap too. Sometimes I feel it is so much effort to dirty up so many pans for just one meal, and sometimes I get home from work and all I want is something that can be reheated in the microwave. Enter – Thai red veggie curry.


I’ve made curries on the blog in the past before, but I don’t think any have included Thai curry paste. Some people can be intimidated by Thai curry paste, but I promise, it’s really not hard. Try it and see what you think.

Ingredients – Makes 4 portions

  • 2 tsp Lazy Garlic
  • Olive Oil spray
  • Large Onion
  • 200g broccoli
  • 1/2 jar Tesco red Thai paste (1/2 of 185g)
  • 230g cauliflower
  • 200g sweet potato
  • Tin tomatoes
  • Coconut milk
  • 100g dwarf beans
  • Cornflower (optional)

**Chop up your veggies as big or as small as you like. The bigger they are, the longer they take to cook.

**Spray your olive oil in a pan or wok, and once hot, add your onion and garlic. Fry until the onion softens.

**Add the paste, just be careful if it starts to spit. Mix the paste round the pan and then add in your veggies.

**Once your veggies are coated in the paste and are all a lovely colour, add in the tinned tomatoes and coconut milk. Let everything simmer away on a medium-low heat for 25-30 minutes. As I said, the bigger your veggies, the longer they made need.

**If you find your curry is still pretty liquid-y, you can add some cornflower. Add just a tsp at a time, and make sure to mix it in well. This will thicken up the sauce, without leaving a taste. Just remember – you can add, but you can’t take away, so add slowly!

**After the time is up check your veggies are cooked and then you’re good to go!

I like to make my curries with plenty of veggies, and you can chop and change the veggies you add with the seasons. If you want to add meat I would add it just before the paste. Personally I prefer to make a veggie curry and freeze in batches, and then I can add meat to each dish as opposed to having them all with chicken. But of course, it’s up to you!


I also find this freeze brilliantly and defrosts well to just ping in the microwave when you get home!

Have you made Thai curry before? Veggies or meat?

January health and diet craze

Last year I posted a review of all my favourite diet and health shows that was featured in January.

But, I just wanted to say how saddened I am by the lack of TV shows about fitness and health and dieting on the box this January. The only one I’ve found is Superskinny vs. Supersize. And even that’s not as good as it used to be.


Don’t get me wrong, there is some brilliant TV on at the moment. But I want more TV shows about fitness, extreme weight loss and health. I’ve been reduced to watching the Food Network but it’s just not the same.

If anyone knows of any good TV shows about fitness, extreme weight loss and health to fuel my obsession, please let me know!

Saying ‘Thank you’


Do you send ‘thank you’ cards? I’ve been sending ‘thank you’ cards for as long as I can remember. When I was younger they were hand written, and then as I got older they were word processed with a photo of me from my birthday or at Christmas. For the past couple of years I’ve really enjoyed sending hand written ‘thank you’ notes to friends and family. I think it’s so important to say ‘thank you’ and the older generations seem to love it! I’ll admit though, I have left it a little late this year. But, better late than never!

Magic Song | January Edition #2

Two magic songs for you this month! I heard this song on the radio recently and it brought back so many memories.

I went to an all girls school, and as you can imagine, it got pretty bitchy. I remember being so unhappy at times falling out with different friends. My Mum and Dad were so supportive of me, and it was when my Dad played me this song, that I began to realise that there’s more to worry about in life, and not to let the seemingly small things get to you. Easy to imagine at 13 when you think all your friends hate you, right? My Dad is a genius!

If you really listen to the lyrics, it will surely cheer you up. Plus, the video is from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Awesomeness!


Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin’ seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin’ on my head, they keep fallin’
So I just did me some talkin’ to the sun
And I said I didn’t like the way he got things done
Sleepin’ on the job
Those raindrops are fallin’ on my head, they keep fallin’
But there’s one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won’t defeat me
It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head
But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turnin’ red
Cryin’s not for me
‘Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complainin’
Because I’m free
Nothin’s worryin’ me
It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head
But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turnin’ red
Cryin’s not for me
‘Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complainin’
Because I’m free
Nothin’s worryin’ me

That time it snowed

Hi everyone, are you all wrapped up warm and out of the snow? My weekend was nice and quiet, which was definitely much needed. Although I got woke up at 4.45am this morning by my housemate, which meant I started my Monday not feeling quite as refreshed as the weekend had set me up for.

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The view from my office on Friday.

Friday was crazy in work with everyone flapping about the snow! I’m lucky/unlucky depending how you look at it, because I can walk to work. Lucky because it means I can still get home without traffic and train disruptions, but unlucky because I was the last to leave the office as I didn’t have to rush home with the snow. Once I got home from work (armed with three bars of chocolate) I got out a bottle of wine and settled in for the night.

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Cold red wine? No problem. Just put in a jug and surround by freshly boiled water for 15 mins to warm up. Because no one should drink red wine cold. Ever.

On Saturday I woke up late and headed to the gym. I’m training for a half marathon and taking part in Jantastic, so my plan called for a run of 4 miles. I’m so slow compared to six months ago, but I’m not surprised. I took pretty much from Oct-Jan off from running in favour of yoga. But I know I’ll get speedy again soon.

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My walk home from the gym.

Once I got home from the gym I was feeling very inspired by this lovely blog lady, and decided to bake some bread. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out! Thanks for the inspiration.

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Eight strand plaited loaf as my famous by GBBO.

On Sunday I woke up to yet more snow and this was the view from my window to the road!

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Snowy Surrey.

On Sunday afternoon my parents came up to visit and we took a trip to visit some family in Milton Keynes. The drive was pretty bad apparently. I wouldn’t know, I tend to sleep in car journeys over 15 minutes! Once we got back to Surrey we decided to head out for a Chinese for dinner. Yummy yummy in my tummy. I swear I live near the best Chinese ever. Even celebrities go there, oh yeh! Shane Richie totally counts, right?

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Tough decisions to be had over what to order next!

That, in a nutshell, was my weekend when it snowed. I’ve loved reading all your recaps of your snowy weekend. Hope you’re all staying safe and warm. x

Recipe Fail | Chocolate mug cake

Do you ever get that craving for chocolate, but you’re already in your pyjamas, in a chocolateless house, and the shops seem so far away? I do. All the time! It probably says something about how frequently I have chocolate…And I just watched a Supersize vs. Superskinny on TV and it was all about chocolate. Hmmm, I was a bit put off.

But not enough to try and make a chocolate mug cake.

I’ve seen people doing this on facebook and twitter from time to time and always thought they looked yum. So I googled a recipe and tried it out, one cold, wintery evening, with snow looming.


So many recipes, so little time…

I browsed the recipes and they all seemed fairly similar and very easy. All you need is; flour, sugar, cocoa powder, egg, milk, oil/butter, vanilla.

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Add the dry ingredients, add the wet ingredients and whack in the microwave. I even splashed out and added chocolate chips too.

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After 3 minutes in the microwave, this happened….

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Well, I don’t know if my microwave was too powerful, zapped it for too long, or if I did something wrong, but it was disgusting. Really super dry and rubbery. Yuck.

It’s not often I get recipes wrong, but this was definitely a recipe fail. I ended up throwing it away after a couple of mouthfuls.

Have you ever tried cake in a mug? Any recipe fails?