January–Week 1

2013-01-05 23.11.07

//Romantic night in for one on a Saturday//

Hi everyone, have you all had a good first week of January? I’ve had a pretty good week.

I went back to work and hit the ground with a flying start. After starting my new job last month I’m finally glad to be given some proper projects to get me teeth in to. January is going to get pretty busy, work wise.

I took myself to the gym and a yoga class this week and I feel pretty good to get my body moving again. Next week I’m expecting the gym to be pretty busy so I think if I get there pre work it might be a bit quieter and I can then relax more in the evenings. Win:win!

I’ve been well with my spending challenge too. My only indulgence was £1.75 for a cup of tea with a friend. I’ve spent £23 on food shopping, slightly over my budget, but I’ve got a whole weeks worth of food planned and plenty left over for next week too.

I’ve had a good, long think about my plans and aspirations for 2013 too. They’re a bit late in being shared, but more will be revealed later this week.

I’ve enjoyed some yummy meals this week too.

// Colazione magnifica from Carluccios // Stir fry // Beef stew // Ramen //

2013-01-01 11.18.192013-01-03 19.03.082013-01-04 18.23.432013-01-05 14.49.41

I’ve also been involved in organised the #lbloggers brunch in Guildford next month. I’m very excited!!

Next week I’ve got a WI meeting, a sports massage, an éclair making course, some house hunting on the cards. I also really want go and see Les Mis in the cinema too!

How was your first week for January?

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!