July and August 2013

Apologies for an unplanned extended absence in July and through to August. I am still here, and I’m still reading lots of blogs, but sitting down to find time to blog has proved tricky.

At the beginning of July, once I got back from my holiday I moved house. I think I picked the hottest weekend of the year to move, which I’m sure my Dad and Ryan thanked me for! Two van trips and a trip to Ikea later, I moved and spent some time settling in. I love my new flat, it’s lovely and girly and I have a massive bedroom which I got to furnish myself from scratch. Expect some photos soon! I still don’t have the internet at the flat, and at the moment I’m still not sure whether to get it, so the next few posts will be coming to you courtesy of free wifi at the local library!

I enjoyed a weekend of Rocky Horror and Michael Buble. Both were brilliant in different ways, and a fantastic weekend.


I completed my first ever triathlon. I have a separate blog post planned on it, but I’ll say this for now – it was harder than I expected in different ways, but I’m so proud of myself and I am seriously considering doing another one.

London Triathlon 16

I’ve been going to bootcamp. Since the triathlon I’ve had a bit of a renewed love of fitness, and thanks to a Groupon deal I’ve been enjoying/enduring(!!!) some bootcamp sessions at my local park. They’re run by BMF and I can honestly say if you wanted to get fit quick, this is the thing to do. They’re crazy hard but they definitely work. I paid for six sessions with the Groupon, and I’m half way through at the moment and unsure if I’ll continue, but I’ll do a post on them for you later with more detail.

I’ve been exploring the back roads of Surrey on long bike rides. My friend and I have been making the most of the good weather and spending Sundays cycling through the country lanes of Surrey, finding new pubs and houses we want to live in, and even a dairy with fresh ice cream for sale. I look forward to them every Sunday and I’m hoping we can keep them up through the autumn.

London Triathlon 12

I’ve been eating a lot of Jenny Craig meals. Another friend offered me a deal to try Jenny Craig diet meals for two months and I’ve been making my way through the stash I was sent. It’s been weird not to cook or eat anything particularly fresh, and I’ll find it tough to go back to proper cooking once my supply is finished, but I have been missing eating proper meals.

I’ve been reading a lot. At the moment I’m currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I’ve also read a whole series of books the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. I’ll try and do a review post for you soon too!

I’ve been dreaming of more holidays. After my trip to Italy at the end of July I’m looking forward to a weekend at home in September, two weeks away in October, a cheeky trip to Paris and a girly week away next year. Can anyone recommend anywhere hot and cheap in February? We’re struggling!


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