Budget challenge | Week three

I’ll preface this week by saying I’ve been pretty rubbish at tracking my spend, and also I put a few things on plastic. Oops!!

Friday I travelled home for the weekend to stay with my parents. I got myself a drink and snack to make the train journey a bit more bareable. Total spend = £1.80

Saturday I did what I normally do every weekend I go home – Go shopping!!! I bought myself some treats in Tesco, approx £13, and also some ginger sweets, around £2. Total spend = £15

Sunday again I treated myself to some snacks on the train on the way home to make the long journey more bareable. Total spend = £2

Monday I didn’t spend anything. Total spend = £0.

Tuesday I spent £1 on some bananas for snacks during the week at work. Total spend = £1.

Wednesday I had a long, long day at work and a WI meeting in the evening. Spur of the moment I decided to meet my friend for dinner before the meeting. £22 each. I then had to pay for the Christmas WI meal. £10. I also went and got a couple of bits in Morrisons. Total spend = £33.60.

Thursday I went out for drinks with the girls. We had a good time gossiping and enjoying ourselves! Total spend = £13.

Total spend for the week = £66.40.

Ouch!!!!!!!! I am hoping for a quieter week next week, not sure how well it will actually happen. Not sure why I ended up spending quite so much money, apart from the unplanned meal, WI spend and drinks. If I hadn’t have done them I would have been in budget. But then, I wouldn’t have had quite so much fun. Swings and roundabouts I suppose!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!