Budget challenge | Week four

Another week, some more money spent. Here’s where it went!

Friday lunch with friend £8, and enjoyed a delicious fish finger sandwich and a catch up. Yum. Total spend = £8

Saturday I went for a long run, to my friends allotment and then blackberry picking. On the way home I stopped into Morrisons and got a few essential toiletries and some coffee. Total spend = £10.61

Tuesday I got a serious craving for chocolate, so nipped to the corner shop at lunchtime for a milkyway. Total spend = 50p

Wednesday night I went out with some new friends to a wine tasting. We tried 9 different wines and sampled cheeses, and enjoyed nibbles too. It was a really great night and seriously good value in my opinion. Total spend = £15

Thursday I spent £2.09 on some chocolate and £12 on some jelly beans and energy bars ahead of my half marathon in a couple of weeks. Seems extravagant I know, but definitely needed. Total spend = £14.09

Total spend this week = £48.20

Comments? Wow I was way over my £30 budget!!! Ooops. Next week I’m going to try really hard to stick to it and not go out and spend money. It’s going to be seriously tough!!!!!

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