The Juicemasters ‘5 in 5’

After hearing rave reviews from other members of my family, I decided to try Jason Vale (aka the Juicemaster)’s 5 in 5. The plan promises to lose 5lbs in 5 days.

Here’s what you need for five days worth of juices, juicing four times a day.

2013-11-16 16.12.51

2013-11-15 18.26.41

The whole lot cost me £28.89 in Morrisons, which is about £5.78 a day. I’m sure if I went to Aldi or Lidl I could have got it even cheaper, but I don’t have a car so Morrisons is the best I can do at the moment!

I’m planning on doing a daily recap on how I’m feeling and my thoughts on it as the five days progress.

Have you ever done a juice diet/detox?

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!