5 in 5 | day three

7.20am. Still didn’t make it to the gym this morning. Ooops! Had a good night’s sleep despite cutting up chilli again and my fingers burning! Have a bit of a headache but I suspect that will be dehydration, I often get headaches in the morning throughout winter when the heating is on.

7.57am. Weighed myself and am 4lbs lighter than Monday morning. Already worried about if the weight will actually stay off. Feeling good about myself though and decide to wear a skinny dress. Feeling slight hunger pangs, but probably nothing a coffee won’t fix until 10am.

9.55am. I’m cold and hungry. Got myself a hot water bottle, a coffee, and my juice. I’m all set!

10.35. Juice all finished, my quickest time yet to finish one I think. Really looking forward to my smoothie at 1pm. Yum. As much as tea and coffee is filling a hot food void, I wouldn’t mind some warm soup. Or a pie. Pie would be good.

11.55am. Hungry now. And feeling a bit sick. I still want a pie and now I want it with mash potato. Or sausage, mash, and gravy. Some stodge basically.

12.45pm. The guy next to me is eating crunchy ryvita. I want to punch him.

1.10pm. Oh my gosh this fruity smoothie juice is absolutely delicious. I already can’t wait for batch no 2 at 4pm. Yummy!

2pm. My smoothie was over far too soon. Roll on two hours for the next one. It was delicious!

2.25pm. Discovered a fellow juicer at work. She said I was naughty for still drinking coffee. Ooops!

3.10pm. Think I’ve crashed. Juice no 2 might have had a bit too much natural sugar in. I’m so sleeepy!

3.37pm. Starving and my belly is grumbling. Feel like I should try and exercise tonight but don’t know if I’ll have the energy.

4.25pm. My juice was over too quickly. Wah. So yummy. Think I’ve already said that though!

5.18pm. Still at work. Doesn’t look like any exercise is going to happen!!!

9.55pm. Had Megan round this evening for coffee and had my emergency banana. I’d quite like to eat some food. Not because I’m particularly hungry, I just want something warm in my tummy that isn’t tea. I bought some bovril after work, nice for the first cup, too much by a second mug. I’m fantasising about what my first proper meal is going to be. Saturday morning hmmmm. I’m going shopping Saturday so maybe I’ll just juice until I meet my friend Saturday for food and have a proper treat.

So far I don’t really feel like I’ve had any terrible detox symptoms. I’m a bit headachey and my tummy rumbles sometimes but it hasn’t been anywhere near as bad as I was expecting. Maybe because I’ve still been drinking coffee or maybe my diet wasn’t that processed before, I don’t know.

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