5 in 5 | day four

7.43am. Woke up and weighed myself again. Very pleased with the result. Ny stomach feels less bloated but it’s noy as flat as I expected. I did have a bit of a tyre to lose though. When I put on weight it all goes to my belly and gets wobbly! It has gone down an inch though. Not looking forward to today’s first juice but I’ll be brave and give it a go! Can’t believe I’m over halfway through the detox week. Already thinking about if I could try it again. Hmmm. I have to say so far I think it would be easier in the summer when it’s not so darn cold!

8am. First sip of coffee of the day. So delicious. I’m going to try and not have many cups of hot java today, and see if tomorrow I can go cold turkey. We’ll see what happens! !

2.50pm. As expected juice no 1 wasn’t very nice. It was drinkable though. I think the first juice on day one was the absolute worse!! I went to run club at 12.15pm. I felt pretty weak, and was overtaken by some people who I’m normally quite a bit faster than. I don’t think I’ll be trying any more exercise until the weekend!! I had my second juice around 1.15pm, with orange and carrot. This one is pretty nice, doesn’t taste too much like veggies! I’m still sipping on it now. I’ve only had one coffee this morning, so I’m doing well! After running in the rain I did really want a warm soup, or big fat jacket potato, but I was good!

7.45pm. Fallen off the band wagon this evening. Had an eventful day, so cheered myself uo with some proper food. Soup, mini instant mash, and ny emergency kitkat. I’m sure the scales will show it tomorrow but for now I feel better for having proper food. I’m curious to see what the scales will say. Soup was 160cals and the mash was 200 as was the kitkat. 560 calories, and two juices today. Not the end of the world! Think I’m going to have an early night and hopefully feel better tomorrow.

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