Juicing | a catch up

2013-11-21 08.15.07

As you may know, back in November I attempted Jason Vale’s 5 in 5 juice plan. You can read my catch up for days one, two, three, four, five, and a summary. Since the first five days finished, I have continued to juice on and off. For the first couple of weeks I juiced throughout the days and then ate dinner in the evenings. However, as it got closer to my birthday and there were more and more social engagements to attend, my juicing has become less. Whilst juicing I’ve had so many people come up to me and ask me if I’ve lost weight and to say that I’m looking well. I have to say, I do feel well when I juice. When my juicing slipped, the week before my birthday, as well as having some out of control hormones, I felt more bloated, my skin felt worse, I didn’t sleep so well, had less energy, and I was grumpy! I think it’s probably an increase of sugar and refined processed food and carbs and a lack of good veggies that’s made me feel so blerugh.

So, I’m back on the juice wagon. I won’t be doing it full time, just for two out of three meals. I will continue to juice at breakfast, and then juice for either lunch or dinner. I think eating a lunch is better for you and juicing in the evening, as your body has longer to digest it before bed, but it’ll be as it fits round my schedule. As we all know, Christmas is a busy time for people full of dinners and parties, but if I continue to juice and exercise around this, I think I’ll be helping my body to feel and look it’s best.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!