2013 | A year in review

2013 has been a pretty busy year for me, that’s for sure. I love reading everyone else’s year in review posts, so I hope you enjoy me sharing my 2013 memories.


January: I welcomed in the year celebrating down in Brighton with the family watching Rocky Horror, I think it probably tops my all time favourite way to spend NYE! I also moved house, sharing with a train spotter, which proved to give me plenty of stories to share!

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February: I attended the #lbloggersbrunch at the beginning of February, and got to meet so many lovely bloggers, which was great fun. My muffins came to visit for a weekend and we had a great time up in London at Vinopolis, and all got pretty tipsy. I also attended two rugby matches with work, including helping to organise an international match which was an incredible experience, and to end the month I went to the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies awards!


March: In March I went to London zoo for a day trip, had a lovely meal at Roast with an old friend, and went on holiday to Cyprus for ten days (1, 2, 3, 4) with my Mum and Dad.

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April: An exciting month where I completed my first ever half marathon in Croydon, a proud achievement to say the least. I also went to a really fun wine tasting at La Gourmetteria (highly recommend), went to see The Magic Numbers at The Globe for Shakespeare’s birthday, and spent a lovely relaxing weekend with a friend in Gloucester.


May: The bank holiday weekend in May was spent in London having my first afternoon tea, and a trip to see Wicked, a great time! I also attended a triathlon training day which was a brilliant experience, and I’m not sure I would have completed my triathlon in July without it. There was also an absolutely brilliant weekend camping with my muffins in Oxford, learning how to do keg stands, having a bbq, and enjoying a trip to Blenheim Palace. The month ended with a weekend home to celebrate my brother’s birthday!

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June: June started off rather traumatically for me, when I had to get my hair done three times in a week. I think it’s scarred me a little bit, even now! I also spent an evening at a bowls tournament with work, which was very good fun, and way harder than it looks! I also attended a chocolate workshop at Chocolart with Megan, and found a new flat to move into.

London Triathlon 16

July: The month started with a wonderful week in Italy, visiting Elba, Siena for Palio, and Florence. It was a busy week travelling round, but I was grateful to get my Italian fix for the year. Straight after landing I went off for a weekend to see Rocky Horror, and then Michael Buble at the o2 with Mum and Dad. The following weekend I moved house, for the second time in 2013, which was an exciting experience. The remainder of the month was spent preparing for probably the best thing I did the whole year, completing the London Triathlon! What an achievement, I am beyond proud of myself, and what made it all the better was that my Mum and Dad came to watch me, which was lovely!

DSCN3882August: Quiet on the blog due to a lack of internet and also quiet life-wise, which made a nice change from a hectic July. I spent a day visiting Denbies vineyard with Megan, tried some BMF classes, did a little rowing, went to a close friend’s wedding, and went on plenty of bike rides in the countryside.

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September: The first of the month saw me participate in a Dragonboat race, dressed as a bunny, which was brilliant fun! I also went to see the One Direction film (sorry, not sorry), and went home for a weekend to get two more doses of my favourite band, The Magic Numbers, first in Exeter, and then in Falmouth. I also went to another wine tasting with a local ladies club which was brilliant, and then finished the month spending it with my bestest when she came to visit.

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October: Another active start to the month, completing my second half marathon, Royal Parks, which I put considerably more effort into training, and got a PB! The following day I flew to Cyprus for another two weeks with the family, which was a great way to relax after running 13 miles! I also went out for dinner with my favourite fishy Ellie to Bodeans, and started a beautiful friendship! That same week I saw The Magic Numbers for the fourth and final time of the year, up in London at the Screen on the Green, a truly great night. The month ended with a trip home for a funeral, which took nine hours to get to, after my car broke down, and another rugby match, England vs Australia.

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November: The month started celebrating bonfire night at Brockham with friends, same as last year, which was good fun! I also went on another trip to Denbies, and a trip to Bristol to see Jaguar Skills for my friend’s birthday. In the middle of the month I competed in Brighton 10K, which I didn’t feel I had trained for, but still crushed my PB in 63 minutes! Throughout the month I had an obsession with Mad Men, which saw me watch three series in record time. I also took part in my first 5 in 5, which was an experience to say the least! Weekends and evenings were also spent sloe picking, and cooking up a storm preparing some handmade goodies for Christmas. At the end of the month I attended my first Thanksgiving meal, which was great fun, and lots of giggles were had!

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December: Always a busy month, and this year was no exception. I spent a weekend in Birmingham with my muffins celebrating my birthday, published my first (and so far only) youtube video, and travelled home for a week of R&R with the family, and friends, including the beautiful Alice. I also spent most of the month whatsapping some gorgeous girlies, who made December a much easier month for me to get through, thank you girls! I saw in the New Year quietly, in contrast to 2012/3, watching films and cooking, which was just what I fancied really. 

If you’ve done a round up of your year let me know, I love reading them!

5 thoughts on “2013 | A year in review

  1. That’s a whole lot of Magic Numbers-love them!! And well done on the Triathaloning, the thought of it terrifies me…so am uber impressed!
    Hope your 2014 Is as much fun :o)
    M x

    • I did one triathlon, not plural ;-). Didn’t enjoy the swim part so sticking to duathlons I think for now. Make sure you have proper correctly fitted trainers, helped my knee pain a lot! X

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