Cook book challenge | Poisson meuniere


My first recipe for 2014’s cook book challenge comes from Rachel Khoo’s Little Paris Kitchen. The recipe was for poisson meuniere or fish with lemon and brown butter sauce to us non-French speaking folk. I chose the recipe because it seemed simple enough from the ingredients and prep time. I managed to get the lemon sole in Tesco for £3.50 for two fillets, so not too bad, and everything else I already had. I didn’t include the optional capers as the recipe suggested, as I’m not a big fan.

Ingredients: lemon sole*//plain flour//salt//pepper//butter//lemon juice*//oil//parsley*//capers (optional)

Taste: The fish was so delicious, and made me wonder why I don’t eat more fish! I cooked this for my New Years Eve treat dish and it was very worthy. It tasted decadent whilst being easy to follow, it was fresh, light, and as I added extra lemon, very zingey, which is good, as I love lemons!

Good: The recipe itself was very easy to follow, and took the stated amount of time, if not less. I think I could probably get it to plate in less than the ten minutes if I made it again. The ingredients were easy to find in Tesco, but when I looked in Morrisons after out of curiosity for price comparisons I couldn’t see any lemon sole, so maybe something to pick up when you see it and put in the freezer for when you’re ready.

Time taken: The recipe states 10 mins prep and 10 mins to cook, I’d say I could probably do it in less now I’ve done it once. The first time it probably took me a shade under the 20 mins total time allocated.

Likeness to the book: The above picture is what my version looked like, and the below is the picture from the book. I’d say bar the capers I didn’t include, they look pretty similar! (Mine is more orangey looking because of my photo taking, not the fish!)


Improvements: Whilst a delicious dish on it’s own, I would have liked to see some suggestions for what to accompany it with, as just fish on it’s own isn’t enough for my appetite! Maybe I’m just used to recipes for meals instead? I ate this with wild rice on the first night, and noodles on the second.

Cost*:  Approx £2/portion.

*I’ve only included ingredients you need to actively buy for this recipe, as the others I would consider store cupboard basics that I always have on hand.

 Overall score: 4.5/5 (Would have got a full 5 if it had some suggestions on what to serve it with).


So there you have it for recipe number one in the challenge. A good one to start with, and one I think I’ll revisit.

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