Thoughts on cravings

Sugar kiss

As I’m sure you all know, I am a self confessed sugar addict. 100% addicted to the white stuff. Often in the evening and throughout the day I’ll get a craving for a big bar of Cadburys, or Galaxy, or biscuits, just something sugary. Often I think it’s because I’m hungry. But, I heard an interesting thing on Jillian Michael’s podcast a couple of weeks ago and it really got me thinking.

She was discussing weight loss, calorie deficit, and exercising making you feel hungry, and she said,

‘Ask yourself, when you’re hungry or craving something, could you eat a steak? Could you eat some salmon, some chicken, a spinach salad? Because if you couldn’t, you’re not hungry’.

I found this to be really interesting, as often I will be sat there thinking I’m hungry, when actually I’m just craving sugar, I’m not hungry at all, as I know all I want is chocolate to get my fix.

She also discussed treats, and how everything has a consequence. So yes, whilst it’s fine to have treats in moderation, they all have a consequence on your body. I don’t suppose I’ve ever really thought about it in that way, I often find myself thinking, oh it’s just a one off, diet and sugar detox can start tomorrow, but as always, they never do! Don’t get me wrong, I think treats are good, the whole 80/20 rule, but sometimes I don’t quite keep the 80/20 balance.

I think getting myself to think in this way will really change my eating habits. So from now on, whenever I think I’m hungry, I’m going to picture a spinach salad. And if I’m still hungry, I’ll eat. If not, maybe I’ll shed a few pounds!

What are your thoughts on listening to your bodies hunger and cravings?

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