Beauty review | Soap & Glory’s Tricks of the shade



My Mum got me this eye shadow palette ages ago, and I really love it. Bar the bright turquoise which I’m not sure I’d wear nowadays (maybe five years ago!), I could quite happily wear any of these colours. The left hand side make great day-to-day work shades, particularly the bronze one, which mimics my favourite Mac shade, All that glitters. The colours on the left hand side make a great smokey eye which combined, and I’ve used a few of the darker colours as an eye liner too, making it a great all purpose product. It’s not bulky at all, making it great to take away with out and have lots of make up options, perfect for girls like me who can’t decide what to do or wear when packing!

Do you own any eye shadow palettes or do you prefer stand alone eye colours?

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!