New York day one

As you may know, I visited New York a couple of weeks ago with my family. We had a great time, and here’s a few snapshots from our adventures our first night and on day one!

Once we landed and had checked in at the hotel we headed off to find somewhere for a quick dinner before the evening’s entertainment. We found a nice local Americana diner, and I challenged my brother to a cheesecake a day for the rest of the holiday, with the aim of finding New York’s best cheesecake! After dinner we headed to the National Comedy Theatre to watch some live improv. The show was fantastic, and once we got over our fears that we would be picked on in the audience, we had a great time!

NYC 2014 (8)

Our first proper day in New York after a walk up to the lovely Bryant Park we headed over to the High Line for a walk which was really lovely, quite peaceful and some great views.

NYC 2014 (15)





The high line ended in the Meatpacking district, home to DvF, Samantha from SATC, and a short walk from The Village, home to Magnolia Bakery and Carrie’s steps!




We found a deli for lunch and sat out in a park, which was lovely. I tried my red velvet Magnolia Bakery cupcake, and I was a little disappointed by it, although my Mum enjoyed it!




After lunch we headed over for a quick stop at Washington Square and China town, before I raided Lululemon! I think I got a little carried away in there, oops!


We didn’t have an event planned for the evening, so headed over to a place called Scotty’s diner, which apparently came highly recommended (we’re not quite sure why), and enjoyed a meal served by a hilarious waitor, who apparently fills people’s shoes for a living! From there it was a short walk to Grand Central station, which was so peaceful at night, and great to see.



The rest of the week will be coming your way shortly!

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