Race recap | Kingston Whole Foods breakfast run

Yesterday I woke up at 5.45 after a long day the day before in London at the Country Living Show to get ready to drive to Kingston for the Whole Foods breakfast run, which started at the ungodly time of 8am. After an easy drive to Kingston I got to the car park with plenty of time to spare and sat in my car eating my pre race banana, it felt too early to eat anything heavier, hoping it would be enough fuel combined with some jelly beans mid run. As I was getting my stuff out of the car I realised I couldn’t find my race chip, which I have cleverly left behind of my chest of drawers, oops! So I won’t be getting a chip time from the race sadly.

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Around 7.30 I made my way down to the race centre, and was pleased to see there were no queues for the plenty of portaloos. I was surprised to see how many people were up for such an early start, but I suppose that the race, with it’s 16 mile option, is a great choice for marathon training. I made my way over to between the 11 and 12 min/mile pacers, having set myself a goal of finishing in less than 1hr45, and enjoyed listening to the buzz of excitement from people around me.

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The race started dead on time and it took a few minutes to get over the start line before we were off. I thought it was very good how they let the crowds off in waves based on the pacers, which stopped the course getting so congested at the start if a mass of people just surged forwards.

The course headed  out of the centre and along the banks of the Thames, it was so peaceful along the river I thought how lovely it would be to live in that area and get to run or cycle along the path regularly. We passed some beautiful houses and a few rowers out enjoying the Spring weather, and I was glad it decided to stay dry for us out running. The route then took us along the back of Hampton Court and out onto the main roads for the remainder of the race.

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For the first few miles, despite the lovely scenery I felt like I was plodding along at an easy pace and just couldn’t get into it. About 3 or so miles in I had to stop to one side and have a good stretch, my calves were feeling really tight. However, once I’d had a good long stretch I started off again and felt a lot better, I think it was perhaps because it was so cold when we started the race that my body took a while to warm up properly. Just after 3 miles there was a water station and I ate some jelly beans, which worked their way into my system at about mile 5 and a bit, and even more so by mile 6 when I felt a huge surge of energy!

Once we left the bank of the Thames the course took us round some surburbs, which were pretty but a bit boring. Part of me wished I’d bought my iPod with me to have a bit of a distraction, but instead I focused on trying to overtake people one by one and try to remember all the lyrics to Spice Girls Wannabe. It certainly did the trick, and for the last couple of miles combined with my jelly beans my paced dropped right down and I felt really strong.

As a nod to Lissy I looked out for portaloo’s on the course and noted some around mile 5 and then at the midway point for those continuing on for the full 16 miles. The marshals and water volunteers were really helpful and friendly too, and I noticed one marshal on a bike pointing out other toilets on the route for people in need!

The race was over pretty quickly, and I was shocked to look down at my watch and see I had finished in 1hr31, much faster than I was expecting and hoping for.

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I got given a goody bag from Whole Foods with some yummy treats in, plus a coconut water and a mug. I know there was some debate about about mugs vs medals, and to be honest I think I would have preferred a medal, but the mug is quite nice, and at least I’ll use it!

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After the race finished I debated having a mooch around Kingston as I’d never been there before, but instead I decided to head home, shower up and make the most of my day, which included a delicious brunch at Cote courtesy of my new housemate, and a lovely coffee with another friend, and catching up on all my magazines!

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I think I would do the Kingston Whole Foods breakfast run again, it was very well organised, it was a nice flat course, and easy for me to get to. I’d even consider the 16miler next time…maybe.

My stats:

Mile 1 11:06 min/mile
Mile 2 11:14
Mile 3 11:22
Mile 4 11:55
Mile 5 11:43
Mile 6 11:14
Mile 7 10:37
Mile 8 10:49
Mile 8.2 10:08
Total 1:31:27 Ave 11:14 min/mile

6 thoughts on “Race recap | Kingston Whole Foods breakfast run

  1. That was quite an early start time! Think I’d prefer that though because you can get on with the day afterwards.
    Well done on beating your target time – looks like you really picked up your pace in the second half of the race! 🙂

  2. Well done! I fancied doing that race but couldn’t make it across London for the 8am start, so went for the New Forest instead (2.15pm) start time. I’d prefer a medal too- a mug is no use to me!

  3. Well done for such a speedy time!
    I looked at doing that but Andy was busy so I would have had to get into London on my own which is a bit of a faff. Might try and remember it for next year too.
    I do like a medal, but I also like a memento that I will use- I have a nice boot bag from one race- a cup would be great as I would use it.

    • It’s an 8am start apparently too early for tubes as well having read a couple of recaps so might want to consider driving down. Parking was really easy for me. I think they do an Autumn one too I might register for x

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