New York day three

I’m on a roll, doing another day’s recap for you! In case you missed it, check out day one and day two.

Day three started with a subway trip down to South Ferry to visit the Statue of Liberty. This was probably the coldest day of the trip, and despite the pretty views, being on top of the ferry was freezing!! We got tickets to the plinth on the statue (going to the top gets booked up super far in advance), and then over to Ellis Island.

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After the ferry tour it was an easy bus trip over to Katz’s deli, famous for that scene from When Harry Met Sally. The deli is also famous for it’s pastrami sandwich, which we split along with a brisket sandwich, and a corned beef one.

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In the afternoon we made our way back to the hotel for a nap via Madison Square Garden for a spot of shopping! In the evening Dad had booked tickets for us to go and see Paul Simon and Sting perform at Madison Square Garden. My Mum is a huge Paul Simon fan, so I think this was one of the most exciting parts of the trip for her. They were really very good, and despite knowing all the Paul Simon songs, I was surprised how many Sting songs I knew. I particularly enjoyed when they sang their songs together.

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Another great, fun filled day! Stay tuned for day four.

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