New York day six


Day five was spent shopping at Jersey Gardens, and I’m still getting round to taking some photos, so I thought I’d skip ahead to day six as it’s been so long since  I got back.

Friday morning we got the subway down to Brooklyn as one of the things my Dad wanted to do was walk the Brooklyn bridge. We spent the morning wondering around Brooklyn with no purpose, just seeing and exploring, it was lovely. Brooklyn felt a lot calmer than Manhattan and it was nice to have a change of pace.



Highlights in Brooklyn included going on Jane’s Carousel, discovering One Girl Cookies and having the most delicious chocolately vegan cookie that I was sad to see wasn’t in the cook book I ended up buying. DSCN5969NYC 2014 (201)NYC 2014 (204)DSCN5971

After working up an appetite on the carousel, Dad spotted a busy looking restaurant on the corner full of people going in and out and whilst we’d planned on getting lunch back in the city, seeing somewhere this busy, we knew we’d be silly to miss out!


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Belly’s full and tummy’s happy, we set off on a long gentle walk along the Brooklyn bridge, it was definitely worth the journey as the sights of New York from the other side of the river were the stuff movies are made of.

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Once back in Manhattan Mum and I hit the shops for a few more purchases, as we hadn’t done enough the day before!, whilst the boys headed to a bar and sampled some local beers. Our final evening in New York was spent watching the Knicks play the Utah Jetts. The basketball was fun, but I enjoyed the ice hockey a little more – they had to work harder to get a goal! But, we did get to watch a proposal on the kisscam, which was good fun!

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2 thoughts on “New York day six

  1. I went to One Girl as you recommended and got a ‘spikey’ cupcake which Glen put a candle in for my birthday 🙂 I think we went to the wrong part of Brooklyn though as we ended up wandering for miles through an industrial estate, an orthodox Jewish area and dodgy looking housing estates- I was trying to find the shops LOL! You can see how cold it was from your photos, it was absolutely roasting last week, I was sweating on that Brooklyn Bridge in the sun 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!