#janathon day 21 and jantastic week 3 run 1

I feel bad because I didn’t do any exercise on Sunday or Monday. Ooops. Well, unless you count exercise as expanding my belly with lots of meat at Bodeans, which probably doesn’t, does it?

After lots of ‘big girl driving’ on Sunday (160 miles to be exact tyvm), and lots of working and running I have been feeling quite tight and achy. My local yoga centre has just introduced a sunrise yoga class, which I went to for the first time this morning and it was wonderful! We did lots of hip opening poses which was exactly what I needed, even if I did have to wake up at 5.30 this morning!

At lunchtime today I went on another RUNch, I love them! We did the same route as last Wednesday, which features a two part hill. I felt stronger than last week, maybe because my little leggies had a bit of a break, but I really enjoyed the run! 3 miles-ish in 30mins30secs, not bad, not bad!

I’m planning another RUNch tomorrow before washing my PE kit and getting ready to head back to Norfolk for the final stint of work before I can get to have a day off. Phewf!

#janathon day 17

I went to the gym in the hotel where I’m staying this morning. In an effort to make the treadmill not seem quite so boring I did 24 mins of intervals. Recovery at 7.9kmph and working hard at 11.6 kmph. Made the minutes fly by and I covered off 3.8km.

To make up for a lack of activity yesterday I also did 40 girly press ups!

Feeling good so far!

#janathon and jantastic mid way point

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Today’s day 15 of #janathon and I’ve just completed three out of three of my scheduled runs for week two of janathon so I thought I’d do a summary catch up, for myself more than anything, to see how I’m doing!

1 – 27 press ups.

2 – 3 mile run. 34 mins. 11.23 min/mile

3 – 4.4 mile run. 49 mins. 11.14 min/mile

4 – Long walk around Box Hill

5 – 3 mile run. 34 mins. 11.20min/mile

6 – 3.33 mile run. 38 mins. 11.38min/mile

7 – Nothing 😦

8 – 2.5 mile run. 28 mins. 11.18min/mile

9 – Weight lifting of boxes?

10 – 1.86 mile run. 20 mins. 10.43min/mile

11 – Nothing 😦

12 – Walking around Southwold

13 – 3.1 mile run. 36 mins. 11.31min/mile

14 – 3 mile run. 33 mins. 11min/mile

15 – 3.14 mile run. 30 mins. 9.33min/mile

Total miles run – 27.33 // Fasted pace – 9.33 min/mile // Longest run – 4.4miles

I’m pleased with how I’ve done this far, lots of running which is great, but I feel like I need to push my distance at a good pace, and push myself faster at these shorter paces. My appetite has been insane lately, no idea why, possibly work stress? Anyway, despite all this exercise I’m heavier than I was when I started I think!! Definitely something to be mindful of over the remainder of the month, having said that I ate cake and a chocolate cookie tonight. Whoops!

Are you taking part in #janathon or jantastic? I’d love to know how you’re doing!

#janathon day 15 and run three of jantastic

Three back-to-back runs for me this week, pretty sure that’s unheard of! It’s only Wednesday and I’ve already clocked up 9 miles. Wow. Another RUNch for me today, this time with some speedier friends. I planned a route knowing about half way there was a big hill, but even I underestimated how bad it would be! My friend K paced me to aim for a 10min/mile, which I know I can do when I push myself. Well, it’s true what they say about running with faster friends make you fast, I went sub 10min/mile on average, which I am so incredibly, incredibly proud of! I am hoping K can pace me more often or push me to do more speed sessions, I definitely need these in my life. I also can’t wait to get back to run club from Feb, I’ve really missed it the past few weeks.

In other news, I’ve signed up for a 16 mile race at the end of March, so if anyone has any tips for planning a training plan for it between now and then please let me know, I welcome all comments!

#janathon day six and the start of jantastic

Apologies for the very unimaginative title, it’s late and I’ve faffed all evening and I should be going to bed!

Another quick check in to say I completed say six of #janathon with another 3.33 mile run, which also marked my first run of jantastic.

I didn’t leave work until late and by the time I’d stopped faffing around (a theme for this evening) and decided to go for a run it was 6.20pm. I ummed and ahhed but decided I wanted to do my first run of jantastic today, so I quickly got changed and headed out before I had much time to think about it.

When I got out it started to rain, typical! I thought I would do my usual 5k route, the same as yesterday, but when I got to the park it was pitch black and I didn’t feel very safe at all. Instead I stuck to all the well lit places, and after a mid run phone call with my Dad to discuss car tax (talk about timing!!!), I made it home in 38 minutes. Not particularly quick for me, but it was pretty dark, darker than Friday, and I took it slow as I wasn’t really sure where I was putting my feet some of the time and a bit scared of tripping!

Energy wise I felt good and I’m really glad I made it out there. I’m away from tomorrow with work for a week so I have no idea how I’ll fit in my exercise, but I am going to try my hardest. Oh, I also cancelled my gym membership today! I was hoping they wouldn’t take out January’s payment but I think they will, boo! Anyway, running outside is definitely the way forward from now on!

#janathon and Jantastic


Yesterday, January 1st, I saw a lot of people tweeting with the hashtag #janathon. Not one to feel left out, I did a bit of snooping and discovered what all the fuss was about. The idea behind #janathon is to run every day* and blog every day**. You can read all about the challenge here. The rules arn’t quite so strict though, and as long as you do some form of exercise every day, and blog/tweet about it, you’re ok.

Last night, after I signed up, I jumped out of bed realising I needed to do my bit for the day. So at 11.30pm last night I did 27 girly press ups from my Runtastic app (I’m planning to review this for you once I’ve finished the challenge). Today I headed to the streets at lunchtime and put down three glorious, sunny, fresh-air-in-your-lungs miles. It was the nicest run I have had in a long time, and made me hate treadmill even more.

Along side #janathon I have also signed up to Jantastic for another year, organised by the folks at Marathon Talk. Jantastic is a pledge to run a specific number of runs per month, and then in February I think you pledge to do a specific number of miles. I did quite well for the first part of January last year and am hoping to better this year. I originally thought of setting myself a goal of four runs a week, but with my upcoming schedule I decided three would be more achievable and realistic.

I hope #janathon and jantastic will give me a goal to keep motivated throughout January and get a regular running and fitness routine in place, which should set me in good stead for the remainder of 2014, so I can go on to achieve some of my 2014 resolutions!

Fancy a challenge for January? If you’ve signed up let me know, I’d love to follow your progress too!

January–Week 1

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//Romantic night in for one on a Saturday//

Hi everyone, have you all had a good first week of January? I’ve had a pretty good week.

I went back to work and hit the ground with a flying start. After starting my new job last month I’m finally glad to be given some proper projects to get me teeth in to. January is going to get pretty busy, work wise.

I took myself to the gym and a yoga class this week and I feel pretty good to get my body moving again. Next week I’m expecting the gym to be pretty busy so I think if I get there pre work it might be a bit quieter and I can then relax more in the evenings. Win:win!

I’ve been well with my spending challenge too. My only indulgence was £1.75 for a cup of tea with a friend. I’ve spent £23 on food shopping, slightly over my budget, but I’ve got a whole weeks worth of food planned and plenty left over for next week too.

I’ve had a good, long think about my plans and aspirations for 2013 too. They’re a bit late in being shared, but more will be revealed later this week.

I’ve enjoyed some yummy meals this week too.

// Colazione magnifica from Carluccios // Stir fry // Beef stew // Ramen //

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I’ve also been involved in organised the #lbloggers brunch in Guildford next month. I’m very excited!!

Next week I’ve got a WI meeting, a sports massage, an éclair making course, some house hunting on the cards. I also really want go and see Les Mis in the cinema too!

How was your first week for January?



Hi everyone, how are you all enjoying 2013 so far? Early days yet, isn’t it!

This January I’ve decided to partake in something the lovely Maria from Running Cupcake mentioned on her blog – Jantastic

January = How many runs per week?

February = January + How far will you go?

March = January + February + How fast will you go?

Jantastic = January + February + March

Find out more here.

For January I’ve pledged to run 3 times a week. Do you fancy joining in with the team? All you have to do is join the site and then join the team, or start one of your own!

Maria set up Run, Bake, Blog as the team name! I’d love to have some more people to keep me motivated this year!