Under the Tuscan sun | Siena

It’s no surprise to anyone who has read my blog for any length of time how much I love Siena. Having spent a year living and studying in the city, it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

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After leaving Elba early on Monday morning, Ryan and I travelled up to Siena to get ready for three days of Palio. It was a long train journey up there, and whilst I slept for the majority of it thanks to some excellent travel sick tablets, they completely knock me out!

When we eventually got to Siena, many hours later, we made our way to our hotel, on the perimeter of the city. Pretty much every time we go to Siena we stay at Hotel Alma Domus. It’s in a fantastic location just inside the city walls, an excellent price and includes breakfast. A walk into the centre and Piazza del Campo takes just 10 minutes, I really couldn’t recommend it more. I think from the last time we stayed there they have done the rooms up, so it was really nice inside.


Once we unpacked and got freshened up we walked down into to Piazza del Campo to grab a massive slice of pizza, a beer and meet up with two of my friends who were also in Siena for the Palio. I honestly had forgotten just how good the piazza in Siena is – wow! So, so, so, delicious.


We stayed in Piazza catching up on what we’d all been up to and waiting for the prova. The prova is a practice horse race round Piazza, to get the horses and the jockeys used to what to expect on the day, and to see how the horses run. Some people say that it can be a good indicator of who may win on the day, but I really don’t think so.


After the prova we walked down to one of my all time favourite bars in Siena, Bella Vista. Bella Vista is famous for one thing, their mojitos. It was great to see the same barmen working there as when I used to go a couple of years ago, and although the location has changed, the atmosphere and drinks most definitely have not. We enjoyed a couple of mojitos, some crisps, chatted a lot and had a great evening.


After a lie in Tuesday morning, we got ready for arguably the most exciting day of the holiday, for me at least – Il Palio!!! We went for breakfast at one of my favourite little cafes tucked down a little side street off the high street. A fruit juice and pastry later, Ryan and I set off to do some sight seeing. I took him around all my favourite places and interesting sights, we did an awful lot of walking!




After a long shady pit stop for lunch and a bit more of a wonder Ryan and I made our way back to Piazza to get a good spot ready for the race. We stocked up on some delicious refreshing granita and got ready for the long haul. It was a hot day, and it felt like it took hours for the shade to come down over us. The atmosphere in Piazza was contagious, everyone getting excited about what was to come of the three round 90 second race. Mid afternoon the parade started and the excitement in Piazza raised a notch.



Having sat on the edge last year with a proper seat with my Grandma, it was different again to watch the parade from within the Piazza. You definitely get to appreciate more of the costumes and effort that goes into the long parade a bit more sat on the edge, unless you’re super tall to see over the crowd from the centre. Even so I really enjoyed seeing the flag throwing, which is very impressive. I’m always impressed by the costumes and how the men manage in them all day, they look so hot and sweaty! DSCN3711

Once the horses got onto the course it felt like forever for them to be lined up properly in the order for the race to start. Everyone was getting hot, tired and impatient. However, as soon as the horses took off for the race, the atmosphere became electric. The crowd were going crazy cheering these horses round the course, and as long as it took to start was as quick as it took to finish. 90 sweet, short, exciting seconds for the Oca to be crowned winner.


The Oca winning was particularly special for me, because that’s the contrada I used to live in. Our hotel was above the Oca contrada centre too, so I warned Ryan that with the excitement of them winning, it was unlikely we’d get a good nights sleep – I was right!!

Dinner on Tuesday night I took Ryan to my another one of my favourites – Pomodorino. Arguably the best pizza in Siena, I have been telling Ryan about this place for years, so I couldn’t wait to take him there! I think Ryan agreed at just how good the pizza there is. Wine and pizza later, Ryan and I took a long walk around the city soaking up the atmosphere of the city and the winning contrada celebrating.




On the Wednesday Ryan and I woke up early and tired from the little sleep we had from all the celebrating. We had a mooch around the city and then went back to the hotel for a long nap and some relaxing book reading. The holiday felt like such a whirlwind the break to just do nothing that day was definitely needed!



On Wednesday evening we went to another one of my favourite restaurants, which again I had been raving about to Ryan – Nonna Gina. I have been going on to Ryan for forever about the stuffed gnocchi that Nonna Gina does, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Neither did the fantastically priced caraffes of red wine, which we kept ordering more and more of, and neither did the plate of meats and cheeses we had for our antipasti.


Bellies full and a long walk back to the hotel later, we hoped for a good nights sleep before the next stop on our holiday  – Florence.

Afternoon tea, 140 Park Lane

As you all know, I’m a massive fan of Groupon! I recently saw a deal for an afternoon tea Groupon that involved gin. Sounds like my kind of deal!

I went a couple of weeks ago with Ryan and we had a great time. It was my first afternoon tea so I wasn’t 100% what to expect, but I’ll definitely go to another one.

The afternoon tea was at 140 Park Lane, as part of the Marriott hotel.

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Gin cocktails to start, served in a tea pot.

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Regular tea, served in a regular tea pot.

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Excited at the arrival of the food! Cakes on the top shelf, scones and crumpets in the middle and sandwiches on the bottom.

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A hot, buttery scone, with clotted cream and jam. Served the Devon way, of course!

I was actually surprised at how filling all the food was. I couldn’t finish my amount, I was so full!

Ryan and I spent the rest of the afternoon going round London, enjoying the M&M world, cocktails at Dirty Martini and to top off the day – tickets to Wicked!

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Have you ever been to an afternoon tea?

Wine tasting evening at La Gourmandina

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A few weeks ago Ryan and I headed into the city for an Italian wine tasting at a little deli come cafe come restaurant, La Gourmandina. I first heard of the place through my daily Emerald Street newsletter, brought to you by the same people who do The Stylist magazine. If you live in or around the city and don’t currently receive Emerald Street emails, I recommend you sign up. They send out a daily email that’s always pretty interesting and they always recommend a new bar or restaurant for you to try. Which, if you’re like me, makes you want to eat out every night!

After a little snooping around La Gourmandina’s website, I decided it was the kind of place I needed to go to, and then I saw they were holding a wine tasting and decided it was the kind of place I had to go to. One Thursday evening Ryan and I made the trip up there, and it was definitely worth it.

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We arrived a bit early, so we decided to have a cocktail and some olives. We both went for my favourite ever cocktail, an Aperol Spritz.

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Once ready, we were led into a back room which had been reserved for the wine tasting. I think there must have been about 30 people in attendance, which seemed like a good amount. We were introduced to the main speaker, a wine merchant from Italy, and our host, one of the waiters, who happened to be from the same region as the wines.

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Both were absolutely brilliant, and so knowledgeable about the wines and the region and why the Piedmont in particular is unique for the way they produce their wines. It was quite a relaxed atmosphere which enabled people to chat and ask questions throughout which I thought was really good. We also got taught how to taste the wines, how to smell them, how to sip them at first, how wines age, and how to tell the alcohol content. All important stuff!2013-04-18 18.44.09

We tried five wines in total, one white and four reds. I am not a massive fan of white wines, so this was a-ok with me! Although, the white wine we tried was pretty good. As we progressed through the evening the wines got more expensive and older. My favourite was the Babera d’Asti Superiore and the Barolo, but I also really liked the Dolcetto d’Alba, which suprised me. Dolce means sweet in Italian, and I’m not normally a fan of sweet wines, but this was nice.

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After the wine tasting the venue offered a discount to anyone staying on for dinner, so Ryan and I decided to stay! Definitely a good decision. We decided to go for an antipasti platter with cheeses, meats and pates. It was incredible, and just like being back in Italy!

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Ryan and I had a great evening out at La Gourmandina and I will definitely consider going to any more wine tasting events they do. Brilliant value for money!

Pumpkin Cupcakes

It’s that time of year when the blog world goes crazy for pumpkin! Last year I only had one tin of pumpkin, and made two batches of some Vegan pumpkin and hazelnut cookies and they were delicious! So far I’ve used half a tin of pumpkin to make some delicious cupcakes and I’m constantly on the hunt for more recipes. These are perfect for a weekend of baking and got rave reviews at work – enjoy!


I used a recipe from The Hummingbird Bakery found after a quick google search here.

I modified the recipe slightly because we couldn’t find any baking powder, so we used a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar. I think this meant my cupcakes didn’t rise as much as they would have done normally, sadly.

Instead of using the frosting recipe found with the cupcake recipe I found a recipe for cinnamon frosting found here. Man oh man do I want to try the carrot cake from the recipe too! Next time!!


Things I learnt from this round of cupcake making – I need a piping bag and some baking powder.

What shall I do with the rest of my pumpkin?

WIAW–A baking mad Saturday!

Hello everyone, and happy Wednesday! Thanks again to Jen for hosting another great party! This week I’m sharing a few of my eats from over the weekend, boy were they yummy.


Saturday morning I enjoyed a delicious bowl of porridge, made with 1/2 cup of oats, 1 cup almond milk and topped with pumpkin seeds and chocolate peanut butter. Yum yum!


Lunch on Saturday was enjoyed before we started a round of baking, and was inspired by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Veg book. This time we chose the Summer Couscous and paired it with pesto covered roasted salmon and roasted veg. So summery and so delicious. We made loads of it and I’ve been enjoying the couscous for my lunches at work this week. So, so good!



Baking and snacking on Saturday included lots of yummy baked goods!


Jemma’s Cranberry and Orange Hot Cross Buns. So, so good!!


Ryan’s choice of Hummingbird bakery chocolate brownies. Again delicious, and so chocolately!

Saturday night after a lovely evening walk Ryan and I sat down to watch the voice and enjoyed freezer goods of frozen brown rice and a frozen portion of my Mega Veggie Curry. Yum yum, and so good to have these things stored in the freezer!


Phew, that was a busy and mega foodie Saturday! Thanks again to Jen for hosting the party!

Easter and a Cookie Arrival

Hello lovelies! Did you all have a nice Easter? I spent the Easter weekend down in Devon with my parents and had a lovely time with the whole family. We haven’t seen each other since Christmas, crazy! I took Tuesday off work too to extend my Easter weekend just that bit longer, hello three day working week.


Easter was spent doing what I normally do when I go back down to Devon, eating good food and catching up with friends. Ryan and I had dinner with my friends who are moving to Australia, met with Ryan’s friend who is at University down there, went on a tour of Plymouth, had a pub lunch, visited my Grandad in hospital and I drove for the first time in over a year. Phew! I took some photos along the way, so here goes…

My friend Adam has just set up his own business doing tours of Plymouth so of course Ryan and I had to go on the tour! I lived in Plymouth for 18 years before leaving for University so I would say I knew the area and the history of Plymouth fairly well. But I was wrong, the tour was so thoroughly researched and in depth that it opened my eyes and definitely got me wanting to know even more about the history of Plymouth. Plus I got to see places that I’d never seen before.


The famous Cap’n Jaspers food hut.


Plymouth Harbour.


West Hoe looking over to Mount Edgcombe.

We also enjoyed a massive family lunch with everyone I hadn’t seen since Christmas. My Mum did a massive Chilli and lots of fixings, it was delicious. Plus I had a Spritz on the side – yum!

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No family gathering as far as I’m concerned is complete without pudding. Everytime I go home my Mum always buys me a lemon drizzle cake from Marks & Spencers. They are simply the best, I’ve never had one to rival it. Even when I lived in Italy I asked my family to bring me out lemon drizzle cake. Seriously, go and buy some. They’re so good. So good in fact, that I didn’t want to share! Yum!



That pretty much sums up the main highlights of my Easter weekend. I love going home because it means someone else gets to do the washing up plus I get to see all my friends who I normally go months without seeing.

When I got home on Tuesday evening there was a very exciting package waiting for me….My cookies from my cookie swap with Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes!


I’ve already tasted one and they are so moist and peanut buttery, just absolutely delicious. Thanks again Jemma for the cookies and Tam for organizing the swap!

Did you have a good Easter? Do you know much about the history of your town?

La Dolce Vita Expo

Hi folks! Hope you all had a lovely weekend! I had a great time at La Dolce Vita event in London, did a 4.8 mile run and fitted in my food shop! Geez, it went quickly. I’m even more excited for next weekend because it’s St. Patricks day and my friends are coming to visit!

This weeks food shop came to £21, it’s getting cheaper every week!




In my basket this week was;

Muller vitality yogurts x2, Dole fruit jelly pots (so in love!), peppers, lettuce, chopped tomatoes, spinach, cherry tomatoes, carrots, seed mix, eggs, sweetcorn, chickpeas, butter beans, frozen salmon, onions, frozen veggies.

Combined with some staple things I’ve already got this week I’m hoping that will last me lunches and dinners for the week!


As I mentioned previously, on Saturday Ryan and I went to La Dolce Vita show in Islington at the Business Design Centre. The tickets were relatively cheap at £6 each, plus an extra £4 each to watch a cooking demonstration. Unfortunately the demonstration for Gino D’Acampo was sold out, so we got tickets to watch Valentina Harris, who after a bit of research, turns out to be quite the important Italian chef. When we arrived at the show around 10 am-ish, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. It was relatively quiet (although early), and I have to be honest that I was a little disappointed at first.

However, once we made it through the second set of doors things began to change. The first stand that caught our eye was for the restaurant Fratelli Bufala. It’s an Italian chain that I’ve visited in Naples that is opening up it’s first restaurant in London on the 27th March I believe. When I went to the one in Naples I had the most delicious salad, and the mozzarella really was incredible. At the exhibition it was no different. The mozzarella was creamy and rich, not like the stuff you can buy in the supermarkets here which is so watery! Let’s just say that I will definitely be hunting down their Shaftsbury Avenue restaurant in the very ,very near future.


Upstairs there were more food and drink vendors, as well as crafts, fashion and information stands. Ryan and I weaved around all the different stands, tasting the various freebies of cheeses, cured meats and dips. It was all so delicious! At 11.15am we got given our first free beer – result!


We also found a stand that was selling my favourite cocktail of all time, The Spritz. I’ll save the details for another post, but a true Spritz is bascially 1 part Aperol with 2 parts Prosecco and a slice of orange. The most delicious drink ever, although not all my friends like it!


At 12pm Ryan and I took our seats to watch Valentina Harris. We got more free food in the form of cheeses and meats, and yes, more free beer! Valentina was very entertaining to watch, and I really liked the look of the two recipes she made. There was a blue cheese, pear and rocket salad and a tomato and mozarella pasta dish. Mmmm!


After the show Ryan and I were on the look out for Gino D’Acampo. We were lucky enough to spot him hiding away in the press area up on a balcony, and with a lack of security, walked right up there! Gino D’Acampo was so lovely and friendly, and charming. I have to be honest, I expected him to be a bit arrogant and rude, but he was the complete opposite. He seemed truly happy to be there and was more than happy to have my photo with him. I got a bit star struck (and tipsy…) though and was jabbering away at him in a mix of Italian and English. Bit weird really….


We decided to stand behind the roped off area to watch Gino’s demonstration, which was very funny, where we got, you guessed it, more free beer! I was seriously starting to get well on my way at this point! I don’t think my hand was empty for nearly the whole time we were there!


After watching Gino’s demonstration Ryan and I wondered round the rest of the stands trying more samples, and even buying things! We bought some red wine from a producer in Benevento, Southern Italy and some delicious hazelnut liquer that I have been wanting for ages! We also got some great tasting pestos, a cup of ice cream and I convinced the man at the Spritz stand to sell me two gorgeous glasses. Speaking Italian has its uses Winking smile.


All in all, it was an absolutely great day, and I would definitely go again without a shadow of a doubt! It’s really got me in the mood for the Vitality show that I’m going to in a couple of weeks!

Have you ever been to a food festival/show or watched live cooking demonstrations?

Before I forget….

Laura @ Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish is having a giveaway!

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes is having a giveaway!

Tuesday’s Travels – Palermo–The Food

As you all know, Rylar and I recently came back from Palermo, in Italy. I think before we went Rylar and I were probably most excited about all the local foods we would get to try, and so of course I set about documenting the majority of our meals.

Breakfast – Every morning at our hotel. If this is what Italians typically eat at breakfast time, I seriously don’t know how they stayed slim. There were pastries, bread, meat, cheese, coffee, fruit and cereal available. I typically had two small bread rolls with nutella, a pastry and a black espresso. I found this was enough to keep me going until lunchtime without snacking. Perhaps not the healthiest, but I can’t really have much dairy, so milky cereal was off the menu!

Lunches and Dinners – Rylar and I did some research before going on Trip Advisor and using our guide book about the best places to eat. We found the guide book to be particularly helpful, and ate from a lot of their recommendations.

Casa del Brodo – A restaurant not far from our hotel and on one of the main streets, it literally means ‘house of broth’. This had a great review in the guide book but wasn’t rated too highly on Trip Advisor. However, this was our favourite restaurant of the holiday, and we ate here twice! The staff were so helpful and friendly, and you could tell they were proud  of what they serve.

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Tortellini in brodo (starter)                              Involtini- meat skewers (main)

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Breaded veal escalope (main)                         Sicilian canolo (dessert)

Cafe Bristol – Near the port, Rylar and I stumbled onto this modern looking restaurant after hours spent walking and we were very hungry! We had lunch here. I was a bit disappointed by the service and quality of food, but it filled our bellies.

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Linguini al ragu (main)                                    Gnocchi al pomodoro

Al Covo de I Beati Paoli – Another restaurant near our hotel that we went to for dinner one night. Rylar really fancied having pizza, plus it was raining and we didn’t want to walk far! We got there early and were one of the first people to get there, apart from a group of four  men. Now, I hate to add to the mafia rumours in Sicily, but I think these men were mafiosi. They had lots of platters of food that kept coming out for them, stuff which I didn’t see on the menu, and they all just got up and left at different times without paying. Plus, for Italians, they were eating very early in the evening!! I guess we shall never know….! I also had my favourite dessert here, the most fantastic chocolate tort. Mmmm!!

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Bruschette varie (starter)      Pizza with prosciutto, rocket and grana padano      

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Pizza with prosciutto, oregano and mozzarella      Chocolate tort

La Botte – Another recommendation from the guide book, this restaurant was in a very quiet and rainy Cefalu’. Cefalu’ was a wonderful seaside town, and I bet in the summer it is packed!! We were the only people in the restaurant, but that didn’t stop us from having a nice lunchtime meal.

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Swordfish in an olive, tomato and caper sauce            Pasta alla norma

La Cambusa Trattoria – Rylar liked the look of this evening restaurant, which was again close to our hotel. After eating a lot of carby pasta dishes Rylar and I both chose fresh fish. Rylar had sea bass and I had sea bream. I’ve never eaten a fresh quite like this before, and squeamish people might want to keep scrolling down!!



Ristorante Le Delizie di Cagliostro – Rylar and I went here for dinner one night. Neither of us were particularly hungry and were just wondering around and eventually ended up in here. To be honest the choice wasn’t fantastic, and it was a pretty touristy restaurant so I didn’t have massively high hopes. They were confirmed when we were served our food. Probably one of our least favourite meals of the holiday.

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Caponata (starter)                            Pasta with cuttle fish ink and cuttle fish (main)


Linguinie al ragu with ricotta (main)

Antica Focacceria San Francesco – This is a famous eatery in Palermo, and had good recommendations in both the guide book and Trip Advisor. It dates back to 1834 and Italians come here for a quick lunch, a working lunch or even on school trips!

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Typical local Sicilian street food (starter) Baked pasta with ragu sauce (main)


Mozzarella and tomato salad (main)

Sorry for such a long post, but here’s the majority of our eats! As you can see we definitely ate well, and had lots of variety. However, I think I probably over did it on the pasta. So much so, the lady at check in on our way home asked me if I was pregnant……But that’s another post for another time!!

Do you take photos of all your food when you go away?

A lazy, rainy weekend

I’ve had a lovely time this weekend, with some delicious eats and catching up with lots of people.

Friday night Rylar came over and we cooked the most delicious curry. I would seriously chose this over a take away anytime, and it’s vegan! Recipe to follow later this week!!! We finished it up with a delicious dessert from Gu Puds. We had the After Dark Hot Chocolate Souffle and oh my goodness, they are so delicious! Why have I never tried them before now? Wow, is all I can say! Luckily they’re on offer in Sainsbury’s, so we’ve got another two sat in the fridge waiting for us. Yum yum!



On Saturday morning I headed off to meet some ladies from my local WI. As some of you probably know, I moved to Surrey in August and since then I’ve been finding it difficult to make friends in my new town so I thought that my local WI might be a good way of making friends. Plus, the WI is well known for doing all the things I enjoy, baking, crafting etc. Unfortunately my local WI has a long waiting list, but the ladies were kind enough to meet me for a coffee. We had a lovely chat and I’m hoping they will pass my details onto younger members of the WI so hopefully I can start to expand my social group!

After coffee I met Rylar and his family for the afternoon. They’ve travelled down from the Midlands for a weekend visit. We had a lovely time wondering round the shops in my town, stopping for a delicious bagel for lunch and having a good catch up. For dinner we met up and went to a delicious gastro pub called The Jolly Farmers, which isn’t too far from where Rylar and I live. For drinks, we had a delicious pint of Addlestones cider, yum yum! The menu was incredible, and we all had a hard time choosing. I chose sausage and mash, with sticky toffee pudding for dessert. So so good. Sadly I forgot to take any photos!

This morning we met with Rylar’s family for breakfast, (I know, all we seem to do is eat!!!), at a delicious artisan bakery. Chalk Hills is a wonderful artisan bakery in Surrey and has the most wonderful breakfast menu. I had roasted tomatoes on sourdough toast and a soya hot chocolate. Yum! Sadly my computer/camera is having a bit of a melt down and I can’t find the photos I  took. Oh well, definitely an excuse to go again!

Rylar and I are now spending the afternoon reading, and then I’m off to go and pick up my new blender! I chose the Philips 2160/50 blender, but found it cheaper at Argos. It’s got really great reviews and an ice crush function, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to start making lots of smoothies. I’m especially looking forward to that as the weather starts to warm up!

As this post has been quite word heavy, I’ll share a few photos from my recent trip to Palermo!

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An entrance into the city                                  The Giardino Inglese


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Waiting for the Palermo vs Lazio game to start! Palermo won 5-1!! The crowds went mad, and even let of flares and fireworks for the goals!

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A beautiful fountain tucked away behind some buildings and guarded by lions.


A photo which to me sums up the true Italy, the juxtaposition between history and modernity, with an ancient statue surrounded by rubble from renovations.

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Palermo’s cathedral.                                         An ancient and very famous Foccaeria.


I’ll do a separate post on our eats of Palermo, very important!!, and the day trips we went on.

Have you done anything nice this weekend?