Vegan Pumpkin & Hazelnut Cookies

It seems like everywhere I look on Pinterest and blogs at the moment there is a serious pumpkin fever. I bought some tinned pumpkin last year and so I decided to make something with some left over tins from last year. My first choice for this Autumn was ‘Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies’ however I made some changes. The following recipe is based on Vegan with a Vengance, but with my modifications.

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(I made half the stated amount)

  • 225g plain flour
  • 125g rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 300g sugar (I used Demerara)
  • 150ml sunflower oil (recipe states rapeseed)
  • 250ml canned pumpkin
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extraxt
  • 115g hazelnuts
  • 1 handful of dried fruits

-Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

-Mix all of the dry ingredients together, and in a separate bowl mix the wet ingredients

-Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients in three stages, adding the nuts and fruits last

-Drop by tablespoons onto the greased baking sheets. Flatten the tops with a fork or spoon and make into a cookie shape.

-Bake for around 16mins and then leave to cool.

These cookies are super moist and a bit chewy, and so healthy too! I’m sure they’d also taste excellent with choc chips, other nuts (I want to use almonds next time), or maybe other dried fruits.

I now have half a can of pumpkin I need to use up!! Any suggestions?

WIAW – Three Day Week

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already. The week goes so fast, and I could definitely get used to having a three day working week like we had last week!! Although I’m sure if it was three days we’d all be wishing it was even shorter again! However I’m very grateful to have a job and it’s very rare I wake up wanting to stay in bed, so I know I’m very lucky! The three day week has completely thrown me off though, it feels so strange having a weekend already, I’ve had no idea if I’m coming or going!

My thanks again to Jenn for hosting a wonderful WIAW!

Peas and Crayons

I have however some very tasty eats this week! I blame a trip to Waitrose last week (£££) and a housemate on holiday leaving me free reign over the kitchen!

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Overnight Oats made famous by the blog world!

In the mix was one Danone Activia Yogurt (various flavours), porridge oats, chia seeds and non-dairy milk.

Mix all together before bed and in the morning you wake up with a very creamy filling oaty goodness. A couple of mornings if it’s gone a bit thick I’ve added just a splash more milk to loosen it up. It took me a while to get into Overnight Oats but I’m so glad I kept persevering. Maybe I need to do the same with Green Monsters?

Lunches at work have been fresh and flavoursome salads and a tin of Amy’s Soup. Apologies for the photos, they were taken on my phone.

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I really enjoyed the Amy’s Soup. It’s very low in calories but still surprisingly filling. Although it didn’t keep me full enough to do a full work out in the gym, but I should have probably bulked it out a bit more. I also found it quite salty for a soup, but I don’t normally chose broth based soups.


In my salads this week have been lots of Romaine leaves, chick peas, sweet corn, tuna, munchy seeds and the most delicious Waitrose cherry tomatoes. These salads were really filling and kept me going through some pretty intense workouts!

Snacks have been fresh fruit this week. I’m on a total pineapple kick and although I find it makes my hand and tongue a bit itchy, I just can’t get enough!


Dinners this week have been quick, easy and delicious. I’ve been getting back from the gym quite late so by the time I’ve showered etc. I’m starving and don’t want to spend ages cooking. Stir fries have been the order of the day and quick pasta dishes.

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I split a small bag of fresh noodles over the two dishes, with a bag of stir fry veg, some kale and a delicious Plum sauce from Waitrose. One night I used my favourite sausages, Mattessons, and the next I used some turkey breast. So yum and so quick!


This pasta dish is fiorelli stuffed with pumpkin and pinenuts, again from Waitrose. I also boiled up the remainder of my kale, even more of the delicious Mattessons sausage (told you I’m obsessed) and a bit of tomato sauce. Yum yum and so quick!

I am trying to go a bit longer for my work outs in the evenings so by the time I get home I’m hungry and just want something quick. I’m also struggling to work out what a good afternoon snack is to have that will keep me going and what the best time to have it is. I guess I’m just going to have to play around.

What do you find works for you for an afternoon snack? Or do you work out in the mornings? My gym only opens before work twice a week so I often go after work about 5.15. My lunch varies between 12pm and 2pm so working out what to eat to fuel me through a work out is vital!

WIAW–A baking mad Saturday!

Hello everyone, and happy Wednesday! Thanks again to Jen for hosting another great party! This week I’m sharing a few of my eats from over the weekend, boy were they yummy.


Saturday morning I enjoyed a delicious bowl of porridge, made with 1/2 cup of oats, 1 cup almond milk and topped with pumpkin seeds and chocolate peanut butter. Yum yum!


Lunch on Saturday was enjoyed before we started a round of baking, and was inspired by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Veg book. This time we chose the Summer Couscous and paired it with pesto covered roasted salmon and roasted veg. So summery and so delicious. We made loads of it and I’ve been enjoying the couscous for my lunches at work this week. So, so good!



Baking and snacking on Saturday included lots of yummy baked goods!


Jemma’s Cranberry and Orange Hot Cross Buns. So, so good!!


Ryan’s choice of Hummingbird bakery chocolate brownies. Again delicious, and so chocolately!

Saturday night after a lovely evening walk Ryan and I sat down to watch the voice and enjoyed freezer goods of frozen brown rice and a frozen portion of my Mega Veggie Curry. Yum yum, and so good to have these things stored in the freezer!


Phew, that was a busy and mega foodie Saturday! Thanks again to Jen for hosting the party!

Review: Graze Boxes

About a month ago I saw a Groupon deal to get four Graze boxes delivered for £5. I’ve always been tempted to try Graze boxes anyway, so you can imagine that I jumped at this deal!

The Graze website was easy to navigate and chose the boxes to go for, and in the end I chose the Nutrition, ‘Boost’ box selection, because I’m a bit of a snack fiend at work and anything to make my snacking a bit healthy and not so bad for the waistline is a plus for me!


When my first box arrived I was very excited, and thoroughly enjoyed all the things in it! Although I think it only lasted about two days. Whoops! My favourite was definitely the barbeque pistachios, which I didn’t expect to enjoy! I think my first box was my favourite box so far.



The second week when my box arrived it felt like Christmas waiting to see what was inside, although I must have forgotten to take a photo of it as I can’t find any on my computer. I can’t even remember what I had in it but I think it was a fair amount of dried fruit, d’oh! I do remember that I was a bit better about rationing this one, and found that it’s better to keep them at home and bring them into work each day rather than storing them all at work!

My third box was good, and featured yet more pistachios – yum! I also really enjoyed the ‘Pina Colada’ athough the coconut was a bit chewy for my tastes. Again I was better about rationing this one!



My fourth and final box that arrived was just as exciting as the previous three. In the contents this week was roasted seeds, fruit sangria, pear tatan and healthy nuts. Yum! There was a fruit in the ‘Fruit Sangria’ that seemed like dried juicy strawberries, they were delicious!



Due to the success of Graze boxes I’ve got quite a lot of people at work into them. Every time I recommend someone to Graze they get a free box and I get a £1 off my next box – Win, Win! So I’m actually getting a 5th box delivered this week outside my Groupon deal without having to pay anything – hoorah!

I’m not sure whether or not I will continue with the Graze boxes once all my freebies are up. Just because with my veg box an extra £3.79 per week is quite a lot to spend on four snacks. I think the variety is brilliant and it is certainly healthy than the 70p a snack vending machine at work but I might have a go at making my own little boxes. Although I have to say one of the best things about the Graze boxes is the portion control, definitely something I’d have to be strict about myself.

Have you ever ordered Graze boxes? What did you think? If you haven’t and you’d like to have a go you can use my free code GMZZGRP to get your first box free! Smile