2013 | A year in review

2013 has been a pretty busy year for me, that’s for sure. I love reading everyone else’s year in review posts, so I hope you enjoy me sharing my 2013 memories.


January: I welcomed in the year celebrating down in Brighton with the family watching Rocky Horror, I think it probably tops my all time favourite way to spend NYE! I also moved house, sharing with a train spotter, which proved to give me plenty of stories to share!

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February: I attended the #lbloggersbrunch at the beginning of February, and got to meet so many lovely bloggers, which was great fun. My muffins came to visit for a weekend and we had a great time up in London at Vinopolis, and all got pretty tipsy. I also attended two rugby matches with work, including helping to organise an international match which was an incredible experience, and to end the month I went to the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies awards!


March: In March I went to London zoo for a day trip, had a lovely meal at Roast with an old friend, and went on holiday to Cyprus for ten days (1, 2, 3, 4) with my Mum and Dad.

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April: An exciting month where I completed my first ever half marathon in Croydon, a proud achievement to say the least. I also went to a really fun wine tasting at La Gourmetteria (highly recommend), went to see The Magic Numbers at The Globe for Shakespeare’s birthday, and spent a lovely relaxing weekend with a friend in Gloucester.


May: The bank holiday weekend in May was spent in London having my first afternoon tea, and a trip to see Wicked, a great time! I also attended a triathlon training day which was a brilliant experience, and I’m not sure I would have completed my triathlon in July without it. There was also an absolutely brilliant weekend camping with my muffins in Oxford, learning how to do keg stands, having a bbq, and enjoying a trip to Blenheim Palace. The month ended with a weekend home to celebrate my brother’s birthday!

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June: June started off rather traumatically for me, when I had to get my hair done three times in a week. I think it’s scarred me a little bit, even now! I also spent an evening at a bowls tournament with work, which was very good fun, and way harder than it looks! I also attended a chocolate workshop at Chocolart with Megan, and found a new flat to move into.

London Triathlon 16

July: The month started with a wonderful week in Italy, visiting Elba, Siena for Palio, and Florence. It was a busy week travelling round, but I was grateful to get my Italian fix for the year. Straight after landing I went off for a weekend to see Rocky Horror, and then Michael Buble at the o2 with Mum and Dad. The following weekend I moved house, for the second time in 2013, which was an exciting experience. The remainder of the month was spent preparing for probably the best thing I did the whole year, completing the London Triathlon! What an achievement, I am beyond proud of myself, and what made it all the better was that my Mum and Dad came to watch me, which was lovely!

DSCN3882August: Quiet on the blog due to a lack of internet and also quiet life-wise, which made a nice change from a hectic July. I spent a day visiting Denbies vineyard with Megan, tried some BMF classes, did a little rowing, went to a close friend’s wedding, and went on plenty of bike rides in the countryside.

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September: The first of the month saw me participate in a Dragonboat race, dressed as a bunny, which was brilliant fun! I also went to see the One Direction film (sorry, not sorry), and went home for a weekend to get two more doses of my favourite band, The Magic Numbers, first in Exeter, and then in Falmouth. I also went to another wine tasting with a local ladies club which was brilliant, and then finished the month spending it with my bestest when she came to visit.

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October: Another active start to the month, completing my second half marathon, Royal Parks, which I put considerably more effort into training, and got a PB! The following day I flew to Cyprus for another two weeks with the family, which was a great way to relax after running 13 miles! I also went out for dinner with my favourite fishy Ellie to Bodeans, and started a beautiful friendship! That same week I saw The Magic Numbers for the fourth and final time of the year, up in London at the Screen on the Green, a truly great night. The month ended with a trip home for a funeral, which took nine hours to get to, after my car broke down, and another rugby match, England vs Australia.

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November: The month started celebrating bonfire night at Brockham with friends, same as last year, which was good fun! I also went on another trip to Denbies, and a trip to Bristol to see Jaguar Skills for my friend’s birthday. In the middle of the month I competed in Brighton 10K, which I didn’t feel I had trained for, but still crushed my PB in 63 minutes! Throughout the month I had an obsession with Mad Men, which saw me watch three series in record time. I also took part in my first 5 in 5, which was an experience to say the least! Weekends and evenings were also spent sloe picking, and cooking up a storm preparing some handmade goodies for Christmas. At the end of the month I attended my first Thanksgiving meal, which was great fun, and lots of giggles were had!

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December: Always a busy month, and this year was no exception. I spent a weekend in Birmingham with my muffins celebrating my birthday, published my first (and so far only) youtube video, and travelled home for a week of R&R with the family, and friends, including the beautiful Alice. I also spent most of the month whatsapping some gorgeous girlies, who made December a much easier month for me to get through, thank you girls! I saw in the New Year quietly, in contrast to 2012/3, watching films and cooking, which was just what I fancied really. 

If you’ve done a round up of your year let me know, I love reading them!

July and August 2013

Apologies for an unplanned extended absence in July and through to August. I am still here, and I’m still reading lots of blogs, but sitting down to find time to blog has proved tricky.

At the beginning of July, once I got back from my holiday I moved house. I think I picked the hottest weekend of the year to move, which I’m sure my Dad and Ryan thanked me for! Two van trips and a trip to Ikea later, I moved and spent some time settling in. I love my new flat, it’s lovely and girly and I have a massive bedroom which I got to furnish myself from scratch. Expect some photos soon! I still don’t have the internet at the flat, and at the moment I’m still not sure whether to get it, so the next few posts will be coming to you courtesy of free wifi at the local library!

I enjoyed a weekend of Rocky Horror and Michael Buble. Both were brilliant in different ways, and a fantastic weekend.


I completed my first ever triathlon. I have a separate blog post planned on it, but I’ll say this for now – it was harder than I expected in different ways, but I’m so proud of myself and I am seriously considering doing another one.

London Triathlon 16

I’ve been going to bootcamp. Since the triathlon I’ve had a bit of a renewed love of fitness, and thanks to a Groupon deal I’ve been enjoying/enduring(!!!) some bootcamp sessions at my local park. They’re run by BMF and I can honestly say if you wanted to get fit quick, this is the thing to do. They’re crazy hard but they definitely work. I paid for six sessions with the Groupon, and I’m half way through at the moment and unsure if I’ll continue, but I’ll do a post on them for you later with more detail.

I’ve been exploring the back roads of Surrey on long bike rides. My friend and I have been making the most of the good weather and spending Sundays cycling through the country lanes of Surrey, finding new pubs and houses we want to live in, and even a dairy with fresh ice cream for sale. I look forward to them every Sunday and I’m hoping we can keep them up through the autumn.

London Triathlon 12

I’ve been eating a lot of Jenny Craig meals. Another friend offered me a deal to try Jenny Craig diet meals for two months and I’ve been making my way through the stash I was sent. It’s been weird not to cook or eat anything particularly fresh, and I’ll find it tough to go back to proper cooking once my supply is finished, but I have been missing eating proper meals.

I’ve been reading a lot. At the moment I’m currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I’ve also read a whole series of books the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. I’ll try and do a review post for you soon too!

I’ve been dreaming of more holidays. After my trip to Italy at the end of July I’m looking forward to a weekend at home in September, two weeks away in October, a cheeky trip to Paris and a girly week away next year. Can anyone recommend anywhere hot and cheap in February? We’re struggling!


January–Week 1

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//Romantic night in for one on a Saturday//

Hi everyone, have you all had a good first week of January? I’ve had a pretty good week.

I went back to work and hit the ground with a flying start. After starting my new job last month I’m finally glad to be given some proper projects to get me teeth in to. January is going to get pretty busy, work wise.

I took myself to the gym and a yoga class this week and I feel pretty good to get my body moving again. Next week I’m expecting the gym to be pretty busy so I think if I get there pre work it might be a bit quieter and I can then relax more in the evenings. Win:win!

I’ve been well with my spending challenge too. My only indulgence was £1.75 for a cup of tea with a friend. I’ve spent £23 on food shopping, slightly over my budget, but I’ve got a whole weeks worth of food planned and plenty left over for next week too.

I’ve had a good, long think about my plans and aspirations for 2013 too. They’re a bit late in being shared, but more will be revealed later this week.

I’ve enjoyed some yummy meals this week too.

// Colazione magnifica from Carluccios // Stir fry // Beef stew // Ramen //

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I’ve also been involved in organised the #lbloggers brunch in Guildford next month. I’m very excited!!

Next week I’ve got a WI meeting, a sports massage, an éclair making course, some house hunting on the cards. I also really want go and see Les Mis in the cinema too!

How was your first week for January?

Happy New Year!



Hi everyone!

I just wanted to check in and wish you all a very happy new year! I hope 2013 is everything you wish for.

I’m currently travelling back from Brighton after celebrating New Year’s Eve watching Rocky Horror with the family! Photos to follow…
