WIAW–Beetroot Soup!

Happy Wednesday and thanks to Jen @ Peas and Crayons for hosting another great party!


Recently I’ve been super busy, hence the lack of posts! I’ve still been enjoying my veg box and have a couple of great recipes to share with you! Keeping with the theme of WIAW I’m sharing what I’m having for lunch today – Beetroot soup! I’ve never cooked beetroot before, so this was very exciting. I’ve only ever had beetroot from a jar or in the shrink wrapped packets!

This beetroot soup is inspired by a book I got for Christmas, Veg! everyday by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

First up I scrubbed some beetroots then put them in a roasting tin whole with oil, whole garlic cloves, mixed italian seasoning and water. I wrapped in foil, and roasted for an hour.




I decided to boil up some potatoes to add to my beetroot because I didn’t have as many as the recipe required and I thought I’d bulk it up a bit. You all know how to boil potatoes….




Once the beetroots had been in the oven an hour, and they were tender enough to pierce with a fork I left them to cool. Once cooled I topped and tailed them, peeled off their skins (tough and messy!), and chopped them up. Then I put them in the pan with the potatoes and the roasted garlic.




I then blended it up with some stock and kept it really, really thick! You can add more stock if you prefer it to be more ‘soupy’ just add more stock, it’s that simple.



This soup tastes really good, although next time I think I’d up the beetroot : potato ratio, and give it some more flavour.

Have you ever cooked with beetroot? What other recipes would you recommend?