My favourite blog

I love reading blogs, they’ve taught me so much, pushed me to do things I would have never thought of before, and introduced me to some amazing people. I was recently asked to think about what my favourite blog is and I thought straight away I knew the answer, and then another blog popped into my head, and then another, and then I opened up my bloglovin and saw another 10 I could have as my favourite blog. I’ve posted before about my top blogs for different genres including food, healthy living, and fitness and I’m always on the search for new blogs to read which might become my favourite.

After thinking long and hard about my favourite blog I finally came up with my number one that I check every day – Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish.

Laura’s was the first UK healthy living blogger I discovered, and I’ve been following her journey for three or four years now I think. I think Laura’s blog has become my favourite because she always seems so honest about her life and isn’t afraid to share the not so good bits as well as the great bits. After reading so many blogs it’s easy to edit your life and only show the good bits and reading you can get lulled into a false sense of reality, but I admire that Laura never does that and it makes me enjoy reading her blog even more, making me feel more normal about some of the things I think and feel!

There’s also loads of great recipes on Laura’s blog, and I’ve tried quite a few with plenty of success and a happy full belly by the end!  I think Laura also posts loads of great healthy living tips and tricks on her blog, many of which I’ve taken on myself, and I think if Laura can do it, I should be able to too! Laura also always comments back on blog posts, particularly if you ask questions, and she’s so helpful when you tweet her or comment on instagram – a bit of a superstar really!

I’m really excited to read the next stage in Laura’s journey, as she recently got pregnant and I’m looking forward to reading more about her and her family and future successes. So, if you haven’t checked out Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish, what’s stopping you?

**I was asked to write a blog about my favourite blog in return for being entered to a competition run by Currys. I have not been compensated for this post, however I chose to write about it because I think it’s important to celebrate other bloggers. I see so much negativity on twitter and in blog forums, I think sharing other bloggers and appreciating their work shouldn’t be over looked!**

PS – Awesome photo, eh! Original source can be found here.

Healthy living bloggers I love


I recently posted about fitness bloggers I love, so next up is the turn of healthy living bloggers. I think healthy living blogs were the first type of blog I got into, and it just sort of spiralled from there. I now regularly have at least 100 blog posts to read on a daily basis, I’m certainly never short of anything to read!

1. Keeping healthy getting stylish. Laura’s blog is probably my all time favourite healthy living blog. Laura is such a down to earth person, there doesn’t seem to be any facade with her, she is very honest posting her weight loss story, highs and lows, and everything in between. Her recipes are delicious, and all seem achievable to make, which is great when you’re often faced with strange ingredients from US bloggers! Not only does Laura post recipes, you can find fashion posts, fitness posts, reviews, giveaways, thought provoking wordy posts, home inspiration, and she’s even dabbled in YouTube. If you only check out one blogger from this list, I think it should be Laura’s.

2. Celery and cupcakes. Jemma’s is a blog I discovered not long after Laura’s. Jemma also posts delicious recipes, and again makes healthy food seem so simple and easy to do, especially if you’re faced with that or a ping ping. Jemma also regularly posts about her fitness activities, ranging from gym visits, yoga, running, or just being active day-to-day out cycling with hubby Alfie. Jemma has also recently started a series of posts about healthy living, including tips like how to keep your hair healthy, which makes it a well rounded blog in my eyes.

3. Chocolate and blueberries. Ffion’s blog is one I’ve been reading for a few years now and I feel like I know her well, without having ever met her. Isn’t it strange how blogs do that to a person? Ffion was the first blogger I saw get serious about paleo eating, and I’ve loved reading about her adventures following a paleo diet. She’s also had an incredible weight loss success story, likes rugby, and makes me want to start up CrossFit!

4. Healthy tipping point. I think Caitlin’s blog was among the first I encountered in the blog world, and I’ve loved watching her go from newly wed, to working from home and expanding her many businesses, to training for marathons, half iron mans, and becoming a Mum.

Do you read healthy living blogs? Any I’m missing out on?

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