A lazy, rainy weekend

I’ve had a lovely time this weekend, with some delicious eats and catching up with lots of people.

Friday night Rylar came over and we cooked the most delicious curry. I would seriously chose this over a take away anytime, and it’s vegan! Recipe to follow later this week!!! We finished it up with a delicious dessert from Gu Puds. We had the After Dark Hot Chocolate Souffle and oh my goodness, they are so delicious! Why have I never tried them before now? Wow, is all I can say! Luckily they’re on offer in Sainsbury’s, so we’ve got another two sat in the fridge waiting for us. Yum yum!



On Saturday morning I headed off to meet some ladies from my local WI. As some of you probably know, I moved to Surrey in August and since then I’ve been finding it difficult to make friends in my new town so I thought that my local WI might be a good way of making friends. Plus, the WI is well known for doing all the things I enjoy, baking, crafting etc. Unfortunately my local WI has a long waiting list, but the ladies were kind enough to meet me for a coffee. We had a lovely chat and I’m hoping they will pass my details onto younger members of the WI so hopefully I can start to expand my social group!

After coffee I met Rylar and his family for the afternoon. They’ve travelled down from the Midlands for a weekend visit. We had a lovely time wondering round the shops in my town, stopping for a delicious bagel for lunch and having a good catch up. For dinner we met up and went to a delicious gastro pub called The Jolly Farmers, which isn’t too far from where Rylar and I live. For drinks, we had a delicious pint of Addlestones cider, yum yum! The menu was incredible, and we all had a hard time choosing. I chose sausage and mash, with sticky toffee pudding for dessert. So so good. Sadly I forgot to take any photos!

This morning we met with Rylar’s family for breakfast, (I know, all we seem to do is eat!!!), at a delicious artisan bakery. Chalk Hills is a wonderful artisan bakery in Surrey and has the most wonderful breakfast menu. I had roasted tomatoes on sourdough toast and a soya hot chocolate. Yum! Sadly my computer/camera is having a bit of a melt down and I can’t find the photos I  took. Oh well, definitely an excuse to go again!

Rylar and I are now spending the afternoon reading, and then I’m off to go and pick up my new blender! I chose the Philips 2160/50 blender, but found it cheaper at Argos. It’s got really great reviews and an ice crush function, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to start making lots of smoothies. I’m especially looking forward to that as the weather starts to warm up!

As this post has been quite word heavy, I’ll share a few photos from my recent trip to Palermo!

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An entrance into the city                                  The Giardino Inglese


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Waiting for the Palermo vs Lazio game to start! Palermo won 5-1!! The crowds went mad, and even let of flares and fireworks for the goals!

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A beautiful fountain tucked away behind some buildings and guarded by lions.


A photo which to me sums up the true Italy, the juxtaposition between history and modernity, with an ancient statue surrounded by rubble from renovations.

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Palermo’s cathedral.                                         An ancient and very famous Foccaeria.


I’ll do a separate post on our eats of Palermo, very important!!, and the day trips we went on.

Have you done anything nice this weekend?