Recipe | Turkey burgers


I have been craving burgers for a while now, and I think Pinterest is probably to blame! So, instead of making someone, or going out and spending £10 on one, I decided to have a go at making some healthy ones myself. I’ve seen a bunch of recipes around the interweb for turkey burgers, so mine is a bit of a mishmash of all of those, I just sort of winged it based on what I’ve been pinning!

Turkey is also quite a cheap meat to buy, and very high in protein, meaning you get a lot of bang for your buck. 500g was £2.59, an onion is about 10p, and an egg is about 15p depending what you buy. That makes a total of £2.84, or 36p per burger. So yeh, a definite budget meal!

Makes 8.

Ingredients: 500g turkey mince//red onion//1.5 tsp garlic powder//1 tsp hot chilli powder//0.5 tsp black pepper//1 tsp Italian herbs//sprinkle of salt//egg


Chop up your onion finely and place in a bowl.


Break up your turkey mince and add it to the bowl. Then add your herbs and spices.


Break an egg into a cup and beat well.


Add the beaten egg to the turkey and spices, and combine well with your hands.


Form the mixture into eight burger shaped pieces and lay on a baking tray. Pop them in the fridge to firm up for about 30 mins.


Heat up a frying pan with a couple of sprays of oil, and cook your burgers in batches. I did four at a time. They need about 5 mins on each side, but the thicker/thinner you make them, the different your cooking time.



Serve up with your favourite side, maybe a bun, maybe a salad, or my personal favourite, sweet potato fries!


These also keep really well in the fridge, and a great for snacking on (oops), and also reheating. They could also be made into meatball shapes and put into tomato sauces for a sort of bolognese. Ooh the possibilities!

The nutritional stats on these are pretty good too:

Per burger: 146kcal//3 carbs//7 fat//20 protein//8 sodium//1 sugar

Any other good burger recipes out there for me?