Tre metri sopra il cielo

No, I haven’t started writing my blogs in Italian, although perhaps it would be good practice for me, instead I wanted to share something special you might not otherwise get a chance to know about. It’s perfect for snuggling up on a grey, cold, rainy, and wintery Sunday.

Tre metri sopra il cielo is in Italian book and also film for Italian teenage girls that I fell head over heels with when I lived in Italy. It means three steps above heaven. It’s a love story about a girl who falls for a guy who her parents don’t approve of, and is set in Rome. I love the story of Step, and his love for Babi, although I think it gives me an unrealistic expectation of future relationships….but that’s a whole other blog post!!

Perhaps the best part of the film in particular is Step, played by Riccardo Scamarcio. A few words to describe him: brooding, beautiful, and smouldering. If you thank me for one thing, let it be introducing you to Riccardo. You can thank me later.

Riccardo Scamarcio


Riccardo Scamarcio agli inizi della sua carriera


Another thing I love about the film is one of the songs in it, I almost considered doing it as a magic song post.

Nina: Comedy of life