Beauty review | Soap & Glory’s Tricks of the shade



My Mum got me this eye shadow palette ages ago, and I really love it. Bar the bright turquoise which I’m not sure I’d wear nowadays (maybe five years ago!), I could quite happily wear any of these colours. The left hand side make great day-to-day work shades, particularly the bronze one, which mimics my favourite Mac shade, All that glitters. The colours on the left hand side make a great smokey eye which combined, and I’ve used a few of the darker colours as an eye liner too, making it a great all purpose product. It’s not bulky at all, making it great to take away with out and have lots of make up options, perfect for girls like me who can’t decide what to do or wear when packing!

Do you own any eye shadow palettes or do you prefer stand alone eye colours?

Beauty | All that glitters


This is my all time favourite Mac eye shadow shade. I wear it almost everyday to work, and I wear it almost every time I go on a night out. I can’t remember when I first got it, but it must be at least seven or so years ago. It’s so versatile and so highly pigmented it never lets me down, and I can wear it anytime of the year. It even lasts after a night out dancing, or a session in the gym. I think the copper colour really suits my colouring and I go to replace it as soon as I’m running low. If ever Mac were to discontinue this shade I would be seriously lost!

What’s your favourite eye shadow shade?

Beauty Review | Simple eye make-up remover


Remember my review of the Maybelline mascara? In that post I commented on how difficult it was for me to remove the mascara, even my trusty Liz Earle struggled with it!! I very rarely use specific eye make-up remover because I hadn’t needed to, but I definitely did with this mascara.

So what did I think of this eye make-up remover? I bought this as I wanted something kind to my skin without loads of chemicals, which seemed to follow the Simple ethic. Well, I’m not sure what I really think about it. I don’t know if it was because the mascara I’ve been using is super tough to get off or what but I didn’t get on with this eye make-up remover. I felt I had to rub my eyes pretty hard to feel my lashes got clean, and then my eyes begun to sting and water really badly.

Would I buy this again? Probably not. My search for the perfect eye-make up remover continues, I only wish Liz Earle did one…

Beauty Review | Maybelline Mascara–The Colossal Volume Express


I admit that up until quite recently I’ve been a bit of a middle end mascara snob. I used to only use Benefit’s Bad Lash. I love the way it makes my lashes look. But I’ve been on a bit of a budget lately (not that you can tell!), and I decided to try a cheaper high street brand for a change. I ummed and ahhhed over plenty of mascaras in Boots before plumping for this one. I can’t quite remember the rational behind it, but it was about half the price.

Since I’ve been using it I totally love what this does to my lashes. It makes them super duper long and thick, and a lovely black colour. The effect can be quite dramatic.

However, if I’m putting on a coat later on in the day without taking off the previous make up, my eye lashes tend to go pretty spidery, and quite clumpy. Not a good look if I’m just trying to freshen up my make up quickly before heading out again for the evening.

It’s also a bugger to get off! I suppose that can bee seen as a good thing, but even when I wash my face and take off my mascara with separate eye make up remover I wake up every morning with mahusive panda eyes. Thank goodness I don’t wake up next to anyone because I’m pretty sure they’d be horrified!

Would I buy this again? Hmm, I’m not sure. I’m pretty tempted to go back to my Benefit Bad Lash but I also want to try more high street brands and see if I can find a cheaper gem to use.

Which mascara do you use?