Looking back on concert memories

When I was at school I used to go to loads of concerts with my friend Tara, I’m sure we’d go every couple of months at least. We’ve seen loads of great and some not so great bands and artists over the years, so I thought it would be fun to look back over the bands I’ve seen in the past.


I had a big thing for Daniel Bedingfield, I was pretty obsessed!


More Bedingfield, 9 years ago!!! Digital cameras have definitely moved on since then.


2008 I saw Duffy just before she hit the big time. It was a tiny venue in Birmingham and we were right at the front, it was so intimate – superb.

Jack Johnson 113

Jack Johnson in 2006. I had high hopes for this gig, and I just remember feeling the venue was too big and impersonal for an artist like him, I’d have preferred to watch on a summer beach somewhere.


Another from 2006, this time James Blunt. It was absolutely brilliant, from memory!

Keane @ Eden19

2006 again, Keane at the Eden project. It was such an awesome gig, Tara and I spent the whole day queuing to get to the front row, I think we were pretty sunburnt by the end of the day. Magical!


Paolo Nutini in 2007. This was a pretty bad gig. I’m pretty sure he was drunk the whole time and used the microphone stand to stop him from falling over!


Sugababes in 2007. This concert was rocking and I had a super girl crush on these ladies for ages after!

I’ve seen lots of other artists, I just can’t seem to find any other photos, hmm! Other memories include Joss Stone, Athlete, Rufus Wainwright, and Will Young!

I’m going to dedicate a whole post to my favourite band, The Magic Numbers, and all the times I’ve seen them, as there’s quite a few!!