New York day seven

Our last day in New York came round all too soon, and being back at home for about six weeks now makes it seem like a lifetime ago! All the same, our final day in the big apple was a taken at an easy pace, no rushing around which I think was a nice way to end the holiday. After spending the morning packing we decided to head out and enjoy our last couple of hours outdoors in the city. We walked up to the New York Public Library, where Carrie was set to wed Big, and take a look around indoors. Considering how busy and loud New York can be, in the library you’re transported to a place of tranquillity and it was lovely to wonder round for an hour looking at the different rooms.

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From the library we headed Grand Central station again in search of Juniors, apparently the best cheesecake in New York, to complete my brother’s cheesecake challenge! It wasn’t the best he had that week, but he said it wasn’t bad. I on the other hand decided to head over to Zaro’s bakery opposite, and picked out a red velvet cupcake, and a red velvet cookie for the plane. The cupcake was nicer than my one in Magnolia bakery earlier in the week!



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After picking out our treats for later on in the day we got a subway down the street only to walk half way back to head to our final destination of the holiday, Jackson Hole. Mum had found this on her internet searches and as far as burgers go, these are definitely up there! I chose a Wyoming burger which included BBQ sauce and bacon. My favourite burger topping I think.

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I still can’t get over the size of American portions!!!

After a slow, heavy walk back to the hotel we packed up the remainder of our things and headed to JFK where we waited in the longest queue known to mankind, seriously worse than Disney, before being treated like royalty on our flight home thanks to a lovely airhostess with Virgin Atlantic and the fact we were sat upstairs on the plane.

Thanks to Mum and Dad for a fantastic holiday, one I’ll never forget!