America recap | Las Vegas


By the time we got to Las Vegas on the trip I remember being really excited about all the fun we were going to have. We stayed at a hotel off the strip, but it was a long, hot walk or short taxi ride over to all the glitz and glamour I expected.



We spent one of the days in an outlet mall just outside main Las Vegas, although I don’t think I bought anything. On the first evening we had dinner at our hotel and then took a party bus through the city. It was great to see it all lit up at night and it was everything I expected! We saw all the main sights, including Fremont St, lots of wedding chapels, the main Las Vegas sign, and the beautiful fountains at the Bellagio. There was lots of drinking and having fun too, although it didn’t get as out of hand as you might expect!



The second day in Vegas we went to IHOP for breakfast, which I had been looking forward to for the whole trip! I remember having this huge stack of strawberry pancakes, but unfortunately not long after having them I started to feel unwell. So whilst my friends headed off to see the sights of Vegas in the day, I headed back to the hotel. I was pretty gutted as I missed out on seeing some of the huge hotels like the Wynn, which I wanted to see since knowing it used to be the Dessert Inn from the old Hollywood days with Howard Hughes.


The second evening we went out for dinner at a big hotel on the strip. I don’t remember it being anything special though. I remember how hot it was considering the time of night, we definitely were in the desert!!! We walked through all the main hotels, at least it was a bit cooler. I loved the Venetian, the Bellagio, Caesars Palace, and all the things to see out on the streets. It really is like Disney for grown ups!



I really enjoyed Las Vegas and I definitely don’t think I saw anywhere near enough  of it. I really want to go back and do Vegas properly!