New York day six


Day five was spent shopping at Jersey Gardens, and I’m still getting round to taking some photos, so I thought I’d skip ahead to day six as it’s been so long since  I got back.

Friday morning we got the subway down to Brooklyn as one of the things my Dad wanted to do was walk the Brooklyn bridge. We spent the morning wondering around Brooklyn with no purpose, just seeing and exploring, it was lovely. Brooklyn felt a lot calmer than Manhattan and it was nice to have a change of pace.



Highlights in Brooklyn included going on Jane’s Carousel, discovering One Girl Cookies and having the most delicious chocolately vegan cookie that I was sad to see wasn’t in the cook book I ended up buying. DSCN5969NYC 2014 (201)NYC 2014 (204)DSCN5971

After working up an appetite on the carousel, Dad spotted a busy looking restaurant on the corner full of people going in and out and whilst we’d planned on getting lunch back in the city, seeing somewhere this busy, we knew we’d be silly to miss out!


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Belly’s full and tummy’s happy, we set off on a long gentle walk along the Brooklyn bridge, it was definitely worth the journey as the sights of New York from the other side of the river were the stuff movies are made of.

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Once back in Manhattan Mum and I hit the shops for a few more purchases, as we hadn’t done enough the day before!, whilst the boys headed to a bar and sampled some local beers. Our final evening in New York was spent watching the Knicks play the Utah Jetts. The basketball was fun, but I enjoyed the ice hockey a little more – they had to work harder to get a goal! But, we did get to watch a proposal on the kisscam, which was good fun!

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New York day four

Another post from our trip to New York at the beginning of March. Make sure you haven’t missed days one, two and three!DSCN5868

My Wednesday in New York started bright and early to head down to Union Square in time for an 8am SoulCycle class. When I found out we were going to New York I knew I wanted to do a SoulCycle class, and I’m so, so glad I found the time to do it. I want to do a separate post on my experience there, but suffice to say, it was just as incredible as everyone says!



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After heading back to the hotel in a glow of sweat induced endorphines we showered and then headed back to Union Square to enjoy the farmers market we spotted earlier in the morning. We found someone selling local New York honey, which was really interesting, particularly as one of the hives was on the corner of Union Square!


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There’s also a really strange clock called the metronome in Union Square that apparently is one of the most hated pieces of artwork in the city.

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For lunch we headed to somewhere called The Brindle Room, which was features on a Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. A request from my brother was to visit some MvF and triple D locations, so this was on the list! Everyone apart from me had the burgers, which they all really enjoyed. I had a chicken sandwich and some delicious parmesan and rosemary fries. Holy yum!

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In the afternoon we had a little wonder around New York, and included a stop at a Mad Men location. I became obsessed with Mad Men last Autumn, so stopping at PJ Clarkes was a definite  must for us, even if it was just to see the outside. We also stopped off at Tiffany’s, which is a must do for any girl in New York, surely! I left empty handed, but glad I experienced the magic that is Tiffany’s.

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Wednesday night’s evening entertainment was courtesy of the New York Rangers and the Toronto Maple Leafs at Madison Square Garden for a game of ice hockey. We’ve seen the Rangers play the Maple Leafs twice before, by pure coincidence, the last time we were In New York 12 years ago, and in Toronto 8 years ago. The game was fast paced, plenty of banging against the barriers, lots of fast paced skating and tackles, and a few sin bin incidents!

Coming soon I’ll have day five (shopping!) and day six/seven (Brooklyn, food, and shopping!)

New York day three

I’m on a roll, doing another day’s recap for you! In case you missed it, check out day one and day two.

Day three started with a subway trip down to South Ferry to visit the Statue of Liberty. This was probably the coldest day of the trip, and despite the pretty views, being on top of the ferry was freezing!! We got tickets to the plinth on the statue (going to the top gets booked up super far in advance), and then over to Ellis Island.

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After the ferry tour it was an easy bus trip over to Katz’s deli, famous for that scene from When Harry Met Sally. The deli is also famous for it’s pastrami sandwich, which we split along with a brisket sandwich, and a corned beef one.

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In the afternoon we made our way back to the hotel for a nap via Madison Square Garden for a spot of shopping! In the evening Dad had booked tickets for us to go and see Paul Simon and Sting perform at Madison Square Garden. My Mum is a huge Paul Simon fan, so I think this was one of the most exciting parts of the trip for her. They were really very good, and despite knowing all the Paul Simon songs, I was surprised how many Sting songs I knew. I particularly enjoyed when they sang their songs together.

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Another great, fun filled day! Stay tuned for day four.