The Magic Numbers and Cool Hand Luke


Last Wednesday I went up to London after work with my friend Megan to go and watch The Magic Numbers, followed by a showing of their favourite film, Cool Hand Luke. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it on here, but The Magic Numbers are my favourite band. I must have seen them over a dozen times, and every time I go and see them I love them a little bit more. So when I saw them advertise this show, I couldn’t say no. The event was to celebrate Screen on the Green’s 100th birthday. It’s a beautiful little cinema in Islington with the most comfortable sofa seats ever. I am very much considering going to watch every film at this cinema from now on, even if it does take me a long while to get there!

Before the show started Megan and I decided to go for dinner and after wondering up and down the high street, we narrowed it down to Wahaca (which I’ve seen loads of bloggers rave about) and Byron Burgers. We settled on a comforting burger and I’m glad we made that choice, Wahaca will have to wait! Megan and I both ordered Le Smokey, a 6oz hamburger, smoked Cheddar, streaky bacon, crispy fried onions, shredded iceberg, pickles and smoked chilli BBQ sauce. Oh what a good choice, it was absolutely delicious! We also shared some onion rings and fat chips, yum. In fact, I was so full it was a little uncomfortable, and once sat down in the cinema I had to undo my skirt zip to allow my belly to expand! DSCN4360


After dinner we walked over to the cinema to get our tickets. Once there we witnessed this women have a hissyfit, claiming that the running times weren’t what was published online. I’m not really sure why she expected The Magic Numbers to play a 30min set straight away at 8.30 for the film to start at 9, but her hissyfit got her a refund so maybe she made her point. I’d have been pretty disappointed if the band only played for 30 mins!


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Instead the band played for a super long time, not finishing until gone 11pm. They played songs from their favourite films, and then some of their own stuff. The whole band are so talented and once again, I was not disappointed. I particularly loved the covers they did, projecting clips from the films and then performing in front of the screen in silhouette, it was very effective.

Whilst watching the band play Megan and I sat in some squishy sofas at the back which you just sunk into and we so comfortable. We also lived it large by having a bottle of water and a tea/coffee each. Rock and roll!!!


Sadly (not that I’m complaining), the band finished quite late in the evening which meant with rubbish train times from London Megan and I had to leave before the film started. I’ve bought the film from Amazon though so I will get to watch it! I was also able to have a good catch up with one of the members of the band, Angela, who is pretty awesome and I have a bit of a girl crush on her, and her style.

I would love to go and see something else in a similar style with a band and then a film, apparently they do it quite often at the Screen on the Green so watch this space. Only next time I’m hoping not for a midweek showing!