Holiday highlights

Although it feels like a distant memory, this time two weeks ago I was in Cyprus enjoying the last of the winter sun. Here’s some snaps of things I enjoyed!


Fresh sea bass from a restaurant called Ifalos, it was delicious.


My Mumma


My Poppa


Coastal walks


A teeny, tiny fishing cove



Cocktails at The Grecian. I had a Cliff Top Sensation. Wow.



Sunset from The Grecian


Views from the a boat trip of Famagusta


Boat trip selfie


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Scenes from the Turkish markets in Northern Cyprus

2013-10-14 15.15.06


Now I have no more holidays booked to look forward to, *sob*, but I’m hoping to go away with the girls next Easter, and I’d love to visit Istanbul, Morocco, and Paris.

A pedicure worth travelling for


Without fail every time that I go to Cyprus I get a pedicure and my Mum is no different. Infact, my Mum will only get a pedicure in Cyprus. When my Grandma lived her she used to have a pedicure every few weeks. But it’s not Cyprus that’s famed for pedicures, it’s a lady called Elizabeth and my Mum would say she’s worth the four hour flight alone.

We’ve been going to Elizabeth for about ten years I would guess and I look forward to it every time. This isn’t just your normal toe shape and polish, it’s much much more. Elizabeth looks after your whole foot, including all that nasty hard skin on the heel and by the big toe us girls are prone to getting. Sometimes no amount of moisturising can prevent that from happening!!

Once your feet have soaked and Elizabeth has worked her magic on the hard skin your feet get a scrub, then another soak then a foot and leg massage, a toe shape and tidy up and then finally the polish.



This time round I decided to go for a summery pink colour. OPI’s ‘I’m india mood for love’. Elizabeth can do a french polish or even put gems on too. I normally have the gems in the summer but with a half marathon next week I decided the gems probably wouldn’t last sadly.

If you’re ever in the Protaras area of Cyprus and you’re in need of a pedicure drop me an email and I’ll give you Elizabeth’s details. You won’t regret it.