Night time’s time to relax

I try really hard not to watch TV or go on my laptop before bed, as I find I don’t sleep quite so well. Instead, I’ve discovered the perfect company for relaxing of an evening. Jo Whiley’s Radio 2 shows from 8-10pm are always a pleasure. She totally has the same music taste as me, and I love her mix of interviews, new music I’ve yet to discover, chat, and live music. She’s the reason I have an obsession with San Fermin. I always get a little bit upset when I realise it’s past 8pm and I’ve forgotten to tune in, so I often catch up on the listen again at work. I find it really chills me out, I can potter around, paint my nails and pamper, read my box, and just relax.

How do you relax at night time?

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A new obsession | San Fermin

I’m not ashamed to admit I listen to Radio 2. I love it. Especially Chris Evans, Jo Whiley, Jamie Cullum and Dermot O’leary. It’s where the cool kids are at. I discover loads of wicked cool new songs thanks to Radio 2, and this is no exception. I’m obsessed with it. I’m even contemplating going to see them on Monday night in London if I can find anyone daft enough to go with me?? Tickets are only £9! I was going to wait for this to be a magic song for December, but it’s too good not to share with you now.

Right now I’m loving…


Lissie – Sleepwalking.

This song has been played loads on Radio 2 lately and I absolutely love it. Her voice really reminds me of Susannah Hoffs from The Bangles, and it’s catchy but chilled and the kind of thing I find myself humming throughout the day. It doesn’t quite fit the bill of a ‘magic song’ for me, but it could well if I keep having it on repeat!

Don’t you think she looks really cool too? She’s playing at Koko in London at the end of this month and it’s sold out – gutted!