Cook book challenge | lemon shortbread with fresh rosemary

2014-03-30 17.40.50

My first cook from One Girl Cookies book, this recipe was the reason I bought the cook book. Rosemary and lemon shortbread sounded so simple, fresh, summery and delicious that when I had a free Sunday a couple of weeks back I knew this is what I wanted to make.

Ingredients: plain flour//salt//unsalted butter//granulated sugar//grated lemon zest//chopped fresh rosemary//egg//vanilla extract//raw Demerara sugar

Taste: These biscuits are good. Light, fresh and just enough rosemary to know that it’s there, but not enough to overpower. I took them into work with me and they were gone by 10am. That’s a good biscuit.

Time taken: These take a little while as you leave the mixture in the fridge for 30 mins to cool, but I figure that’s enough time to get the first batch of washing up done! Otherwise they’re about 12 minutes to bake, and maybe 20 mins or so to put together the batter, so not too bad.

Likeness to the book: Aside from choosing a different shape cutter to the book I was pretty pleased with how they came out. I’m still not great at knowing how my oven works, so some were a little more golden than others, but I think they all tasted good.

2014-04-20 17.41.58

Improvements: None to the recipe apart from my own lemon zesting ability! I think next time they would be great with lavender.

Cost: If you search around a little you can normally find rosemary growing outside so I pinched some from a bush at the top of my road. Lemons are about 30p each, and I everything else aside from the Demerara sugar, which I think was a little over £2, but will last me ages as you only use it to sprinkle on top. So not an expensive one really.

Overall score: 5/5. Loved these little biscuits, and I think they’re going to be my entry to the next WI bake off which sees us doing biscuits!