America recap | LA and Seligman

I think everyone was pretty excited about LA on the itinerary of the trip. I remember it felt like a long time to get to LA, especially travelling through famous LA traffic! We stayed in a hostel in Santa Monica, which I loved, and travelled round LA during the day and evening. Here’s some memories!













From LA and Santa Monica we headed further South, stopping off on route 66 to Seligman, the birth place of route 66.








Yes, I’m off on holiday again tomorrow, back to Cyprus, having run a half marathon today! Talk about good timing eh? I’m spending just short of two weeks there with my family and I’m really looking forward to it.

I’ve planned plenty of posts for while I’m away, so I hope you stick around and enjoy. See you when I’m back!

America recap | The West coast

It’s not long until I go on holiday again, and although I’ve enjoyed the summer, and a trip to Italy, I’m definitely ready to get away again. So, waiting for my holiday to arrive, I thought I would take a trip down memory lane and post a few recaps of one of my favourite holidays, travelling around the west coast of America.

After we left San Francisco bright and early we headed down the West coast, headed for San Diego. Here’s a few of my highlights from our stops along the way!











Under the Tuscan sun | Florence and Pisa

After going spending three hectic and exciting days in Siena, Ryan and I took the a bus trip up to Florence. I have to say now, as much as everyone raves over Florence and how beautiful it is, I just don’t get it. Every time I have been to Florence it’s always been so busy, full of tourists (and I know I am one too), and I just haven’t been able to relax. I did warn Ryan of this before we went, so I think he was prepared.



In Florence we stayed in a B&B (no breakfast though) in a road right off the main Piazza del Duomo. It was incredibly cheap considering the location, but it did have a shared bathroom and no air con. You win some, you lose some! But in terms of value for money for the location and cleanliness, I definitely couldn’t fault it.



On Thursday we wondered around Florence to get a feel for the city and took the long walk up to Piazza Michelangelo. Although it wasn’t the clearest of days, the view was incredible, and definitely worth the long walk.




In the evening we went to a couple of bars my friend recommended away from the main centre, and indulged in some spritz and aperitivo – definitely a cheap way of eating out and very delicious. We bar hopped a bit and then took a long walk back through the city to our hotel.

Friday morning we were up bright and early to be first in the queue for the Uffizi, home to some of the most famous pieces of artwork, including Botticelli’s Venus, which I studied in my final year at University. It was my only stipulation for visiting Florence, and I’m so glad we made the effort to go and visit. There were plenty of other pieces of artwork I recognised from my studies and I couldn’t get over how beautiful Venus is, although a lot smaller than I imagined.

After spending a few hours wondering around Uffizi, we decided to make the journey to the Pisa to so Ryan could visit the leaning tower, or Torre pendente. Pisa was incredibly hot which made the walk to the tower slightly unpleasant, and we didn’t spend long there.


Eventually after seven long and not quite so relaxing days in travelling around Tuscany, we made our way to the airport. We did so much walking it felt like we needed another holiday afterwards, but it was a great time spent with a good friend.

Under the Tuscan sun | Siena

It’s no surprise to anyone who has read my blog for any length of time how much I love Siena. Having spent a year living and studying in the city, it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Palio 1

After leaving Elba early on Monday morning, Ryan and I travelled up to Siena to get ready for three days of Palio. It was a long train journey up there, and whilst I slept for the majority of it thanks to some excellent travel sick tablets, they completely knock me out!

When we eventually got to Siena, many hours later, we made our way to our hotel, on the perimeter of the city. Pretty much every time we go to Siena we stay at Hotel Alma Domus. It’s in a fantastic location just inside the city walls, an excellent price and includes breakfast. A walk into the centre and Piazza del Campo takes just 10 minutes, I really couldn’t recommend it more. I think from the last time we stayed there they have done the rooms up, so it was really nice inside.


Once we unpacked and got freshened up we walked down into to Piazza del Campo to grab a massive slice of pizza, a beer and meet up with two of my friends who were also in Siena for the Palio. I honestly had forgotten just how good the piazza in Siena is – wow! So, so, so, delicious.


We stayed in Piazza catching up on what we’d all been up to and waiting for the prova. The prova is a practice horse race round Piazza, to get the horses and the jockeys used to what to expect on the day, and to see how the horses run. Some people say that it can be a good indicator of who may win on the day, but I really don’t think so.


After the prova we walked down to one of my all time favourite bars in Siena, Bella Vista. Bella Vista is famous for one thing, their mojitos. It was great to see the same barmen working there as when I used to go a couple of years ago, and although the location has changed, the atmosphere and drinks most definitely have not. We enjoyed a couple of mojitos, some crisps, chatted a lot and had a great evening.


After a lie in Tuesday morning, we got ready for arguably the most exciting day of the holiday, for me at least – Il Palio!!! We went for breakfast at one of my favourite little cafes tucked down a little side street off the high street. A fruit juice and pastry later, Ryan and I set off to do some sight seeing. I took him around all my favourite places and interesting sights, we did an awful lot of walking!




After a long shady pit stop for lunch and a bit more of a wonder Ryan and I made our way back to Piazza to get a good spot ready for the race. We stocked up on some delicious refreshing granita and got ready for the long haul. It was a hot day, and it felt like it took hours for the shade to come down over us. The atmosphere in Piazza was contagious, everyone getting excited about what was to come of the three round 90 second race. Mid afternoon the parade started and the excitement in Piazza raised a notch.



Having sat on the edge last year with a proper seat with my Grandma, it was different again to watch the parade from within the Piazza. You definitely get to appreciate more of the costumes and effort that goes into the long parade a bit more sat on the edge, unless you’re super tall to see over the crowd from the centre. Even so I really enjoyed seeing the flag throwing, which is very impressive. I’m always impressed by the costumes and how the men manage in them all day, they look so hot and sweaty! DSCN3711

Once the horses got onto the course it felt like forever for them to be lined up properly in the order for the race to start. Everyone was getting hot, tired and impatient. However, as soon as the horses took off for the race, the atmosphere became electric. The crowd were going crazy cheering these horses round the course, and as long as it took to start was as quick as it took to finish. 90 sweet, short, exciting seconds for the Oca to be crowned winner.


The Oca winning was particularly special for me, because that’s the contrada I used to live in. Our hotel was above the Oca contrada centre too, so I warned Ryan that with the excitement of them winning, it was unlikely we’d get a good nights sleep – I was right!!

Dinner on Tuesday night I took Ryan to my another one of my favourites – Pomodorino. Arguably the best pizza in Siena, I have been telling Ryan about this place for years, so I couldn’t wait to take him there! I think Ryan agreed at just how good the pizza there is. Wine and pizza later, Ryan and I took a long walk around the city soaking up the atmosphere of the city and the winning contrada celebrating.




On the Wednesday Ryan and I woke up early and tired from the little sleep we had from all the celebrating. We had a mooch around the city and then went back to the hotel for a long nap and some relaxing book reading. The holiday felt like such a whirlwind the break to just do nothing that day was definitely needed!



On Wednesday evening we went to another one of my favourite restaurants, which again I had been raving about to Ryan – Nonna Gina. I have been going on to Ryan for forever about the stuffed gnocchi that Nonna Gina does, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Neither did the fantastically priced caraffes of red wine, which we kept ordering more and more of, and neither did the plate of meats and cheeses we had for our antipasti.


Bellies full and a long walk back to the hotel later, we hoped for a good nights sleep before the next stop on our holiday  – Florence.

Under the Tuscan sun | Isola d’Elba

You may remember back at the end of June I jetted off to Italy for a week with Ryan. We spent the week travelling around Tuscany, and after a night in Pisa after we landed, our first stop was the island of Elba.


When I lived in Italy during Uni I remember some friends going to Elba, their photos made it look beautiful, and I knew one day I wanted to go. The journey to Elba was long with an early train journey followed by a ferry ride and then a bus trip along winding, narrow, coastal roads.


Once the ferry crossed the sea from Piombino towards Elba Ryan and I were greeted with a picturesque view of Napoleon’s former home, and some beautiful idyllic fishing villages. We couldn’t wait to get off the ferry! Once we disembarked from the ferry we found the coach required to take us to our destination for the next two nights, Mariciana Marina.


The coach journey to Mariciana Marina was beautiful albeit treacherous, with our bus driver journeying through the winding narrow roads with an expertise of someone who had done it hundreds of times over, and even managing to have a good chat with someone on his mobile when it rang. Only in Italy!

Once we arrived in Mariciana Marina we made our way up a steep hill towards our hotel, Isola Verde, which we booked through The hotel room itself was basic, but it had a lovely pool, which was what we were after. After checking in we headed back down the hill towards the harbour to explore and find something to fill our rumbling bellies. The harbour was filled with quaint one off shops and coffee shops, a nice place to spend a few days. We settled on a cafe’ right by the harbour and got ourselves a beer each and a little sandwich. A perfect light snack to keep us going until the evening and dinner!


An ice cream later we wondered up and down the harbour taking in the sights and absorbing the Italian atmosphere, and of course, take in a Spritz! After a couple of hours we made a slow walk back up to the hotel for a nap and to freshen up for dinner. Having not really settled on anywhere to eat during the afternoon, we decided to have an apertivo and see where seemed busiest!


Another Spritz later we chanced upon a bustling restaurant in a buzzing piazza full of tourists and Italians. Ryan decided upon a pizza bianca, which meant no tomato puree on the base as is typical in so many pizzas in England. Trying to be good and not relive the last time I was in Italy with Ryan, I stuck to a delicious dish of fresh tuna steak and with a cherry tomato sauce. It was delicious, and arguably one of my favourite dishes of the holiday. For pudding we had another ice cream, I mean, what more do you expect??? I stuck with the same flavours most of the holiday – amerena (cherry) and pistachio, while Ryan was much more adventurous than me.




The next day Ryan and I made the decision to take things really easy. We woke up late,  had a leisurely breakfast and then headed out to the pool to relax, soak up the sun and catch up on some reading. It was wonderfully relaxing.


Mid afternoon our tummies started to rumble again and so we went back down to the harbour to get a big salad, something we were both craving. We found a cool little bar right at the end of the harbour which met our needs, and was exactly what we both wanted. Full of salad we headed back up to the hotel and enjoyed a few more hours relaxing by the pool. Both Ryan and I had been super busy at work before our holiday, so enjoying the hours lounging by the pool was exactly what we both needed.


Dinner that night we headed back down to the harbour and our little square, which perhaps because it was a Sunday, wasn’t as buzzing as the night previously but after an almost obligatory aperitivo Spritz, we decided upon the restaurant next door to where we dined the night previous. Again I decided to have the special, which was fresh swordfish and Ryan had swordfish pasta. It was a small portion, but looked delicious. I had definite food envy! Ice cream for dessert followed again, as became typical on our week long stay, and we enjoyed a long walk up and down the harbour with the moon above us and lights twinkling in the distance. It was beautiful.




Monday morning we woke very early, too early!!, to get the bus back to the main port and take the ferry back to Piombino and make a very long journey up to Siena, for the start of the holiday’s main festivities, Il Palio.


Afternoon tea, 140 Park Lane

As you all know, I’m a massive fan of Groupon! I recently saw a deal for an afternoon tea Groupon that involved gin. Sounds like my kind of deal!

I went a couple of weeks ago with Ryan and we had a great time. It was my first afternoon tea so I wasn’t 100% what to expect, but I’ll definitely go to another one.

The afternoon tea was at 140 Park Lane, as part of the Marriott hotel.

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Gin cocktails to start, served in a tea pot.

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Regular tea, served in a regular tea pot.

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Excited at the arrival of the food! Cakes on the top shelf, scones and crumpets in the middle and sandwiches on the bottom.

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A hot, buttery scone, with clotted cream and jam. Served the Devon way, of course!

I was actually surprised at how filling all the food was. I couldn’t finish my amount, I was so full!

Ryan and I spent the rest of the afternoon going round London, enjoying the M&M world, cocktails at Dirty Martini and to top off the day – tickets to Wicked!

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Have you ever been to an afternoon tea?

The Grecian Park, Cyprus

One of my favourite things to do when I go on holiday to Cyprus is to go to The Grecian Park Hotel in Protaras for cocktails at the Cliff Top bar. It’s got the most amazing views and it’s absolutely lovely to watch the sunset from. I would definitely recommend it, so romantic and atmospheric.




The view


Me and the view


Me and my Mumma xx


My most awesome new leggings


Me and my Dad xx


Parents together xx


The sun now set


An empty bar – bliss!

Nicosia, Cyprus

Despite all the relaxing and reading I managed to do whilst on holiday, we did fit in a day trip to the capital, Nicosia. Nicosia, or Lefkosia, is an interesting city because it’s divided in two. Part the city is Greek Cypriot, and part of the city, after the Turkish Invasion, is Turkish Cypriot. These days they have opened up the border between the two and you can visit both parts and see the interesting city. We spent the day visiting both parts of the city, and then tacked on a trip to Ikea. Brilliant!


Little alleys to explore with typical Cypriot crafts


Enjoying a Starbucks to cool down


Exploring a Turkish market and cafe area




Graffiti on the Turkish side


Which way???


Shopping in a Turkish bizarre



So much Turkish apple tea. Yum!


A Turkish eye and some very, very dodgey sunburn!!!


Delicious homemade lemonade!