Annual birthday trip to Birmingham


Every year since we’ve left Uni my muffins and I have congregated to celebrate my birthday and my wifey’s birthday Fi. For the past two years we’ve celebrated in Birmingham, so I think it’s ok to call it annual now, right?!

I travelled up Friday evening after my work Christmas do, and was so excited to be greeted at Fi’s house with the rest of the girls. Friday night we tucked into lots of pizza and caught up on all the goss, which made me realise how much I miss these muffins when I don’t get to see them.


Saturday morning was a lazy one, watching back-to-back cooking shows, gotta love a bit of James Martin on Saturday Kitchen. By the time we were all ready it was probably nearer 2pm, and we bundled ourselves into taxis to head into town, sample the delights of the market, and have dinner at our favourite restaurant.


Town was busy as predicted, but I just love the Birmingham Christmas markets, way better than the winter wonderland in my opinion. Once we got into the market we headed straight for the mulled cider stall, a firm favourite!


Of course I sampled all the different mulled ciders they had to offer, including apple (which tasted like curry), raspberry, and strawberry and lime. My favourite was the raspberry. Yum!



Lots of yummy cider was consumed, and lots of giggles were head reminiscing about funny stories!



The very best friends a girl could ask for!

After plenty of cider we headed off to Bodega for a late lunch. The girls and I stumbled across Bodega a couple of years ago, and ended up having an incredibly boozy lunch. Since then it’s been a firm favourite of ours and we head back every time we all meet in Birmingham. The food was delicious as always, and was of course consumed with plenty of cocktails, and more cider!


Mojito for me


Starters of chorizo, halloumi, and cheesy potatoes.



Fi and I shared nachos and chilli. Sorry for the blurred chilli photo, I think I’d had too many mojitos by this point!



After dinner we made our way through the market back to Fi’s place for X Factor and the promise of a nap. Post nap we decided that rather than go to the pub we’d prefer to just stay in and chat, which was probably a good idea in hindsight as we were all asleep pretty early. That’s what early drinking and getting old will do for you I suppose Winking smile.

I had a lovely weekend celebrating mine and the wife’s birthday up in my old Uni stomping ground, and I can’t wait for us to all meet up again in February! I’ll be counting down the days!

2012 in Review

2012 has been a fun year for me and I’ve had lots of great experiences. Here’s a few of my favourite things I did this year, in case you missed them!

A theatre trip to see the Wizard of Oz


A lazy, rainy weekend (and photos of a trip to Palermo)


La Dolce Vita Expo (where I met Gino D’Acampo) – Definitely going back next year!

Sports Relief 10K

Easter and a Cookie Exchange


A weekend in Berlin

My fear of driving

Palio 1

A weekend in Siena Part 1 and Part 2

A blogger meet up with the lovely Tam from Salad and Sequins

Reigate Summer 10K


A weekend in Montreux


A week in Crete

I signed up for a Triathlon in 2013

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I saw Rufus Wainwright in concert

My blog celebrated it’s first birthday

I started a new job!


I turned 24! and saw Viva Forever


What were your favourite highlights of 2012?


Sorry I’ve been a bit absent from the blog the past week – I’ve been busy celebrating turning 24! I’ve had a fab birthday celebrating with all my close friends and it’s been great!

Last weekend I went to Birmingham to visit some Uni girlies, my ‘muffins’ as we call each other. We went to my favourite ever, ever, restaurant in Birmingham – Bodega. It does the most incredible South American food. Everytime I go there with my girlies we drink lots of wine and have so many giggles. I feel like I’m part of SATC when I’m sat there with them. Plus the staff are great and don’t bother us or make us feel like we’re being rushed. I recommend the nachos and the patatas fritas. It’s the main reason we go!

Afterwards we went to the German market in Birmingham. It’s absolutely massive, filled with sausage, mulled ciders and wines, and craft shops. I had a pint of mulled cider and it was delish!

birthday 2012


Afterwards we went to another great bar in Birmingham, The Old Joint Stock. It’s beautiful inside and the ceilings are incredible. It even has a real theatre upstairs, and I saw Patrick Monahan there a couple of years ago with Ryan. The girls and I enjoyed a couple more glasses of mulled cider and had plenty more giggles. I love my muffins, and we love to sit there and put the world to rights!

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Afterwards we went to a Champagne bar in the Mailbox and shared a couple of bottles of wine. Can you sense a theme here? It was alcohol!!! After spending around 9 hours drinking in Birmingham centre we headed to the suburbs and continued drinking in Harborne. What a Saturday! Although I’m pleased to say I woke up Sunday hangover free, and enjoyed watching Magic Mike with the girls! 

My actual birthday was on Tuesday and I was very lucky and had dinner cooked for me by my housemate. It was my choice and I chose fajitas. They always feel like a special meal to me, which is silly because they’re so easy! Yum! We had a really girly night and enjoyed watching Made in Chelsea and Gossip Girl.

I had a really lovely chilled out birthday and got a fab few presents, I felt very loved! This weekend I went to see Viva Forever, but I’ll do a separate post on that!

Have you all had a good weekend?