2012 in Review

2012 has been a fun year for me and I’ve had lots of great experiences. Here’s a few of my favourite things I did this year, in case you missed them!

A theatre trip to see the Wizard of Oz


A lazy, rainy weekend (and photos of a trip to Palermo)


La Dolce Vita Expo (where I met Gino D’Acampo) – Definitely going back next year!

Sports Relief 10K

Easter and a Cookie Exchange


A weekend in Berlin

My fear of driving

Palio 1

A weekend in Siena Part 1 and Part 2

A blogger meet up with the lovely Tam from Salad and Sequins

Reigate Summer 10K


A weekend in Montreux


A week in Crete

I signed up for a Triathlon in 2013

2012-11-23 21.51.46

I saw Rufus Wainwright in concert

My blog celebrated it’s first birthday

I started a new job!


I turned 24! and saw Viva Forever


What were your favourite highlights of 2012?

La Dolce Vita Expo

Hi folks! Hope you all had a lovely weekend! I had a great time at La Dolce Vita event in London, did a 4.8 mile run and fitted in my food shop! Geez, it went quickly. I’m even more excited for next weekend because it’s St. Patricks day and my friends are coming to visit!

This weeks food shop came to £21, it’s getting cheaper every week!




In my basket this week was;

Muller vitality yogurts x2, Dole fruit jelly pots (so in love!), peppers, lettuce, chopped tomatoes, spinach, cherry tomatoes, carrots, seed mix, eggs, sweetcorn, chickpeas, butter beans, frozen salmon, onions, frozen veggies.

Combined with some staple things I’ve already got this week I’m hoping that will last me lunches and dinners for the week!


As I mentioned previously, on Saturday Ryan and I went to La Dolce Vita show in Islington at the Business Design Centre. The tickets were relatively cheap at £6 each, plus an extra £4 each to watch a cooking demonstration. Unfortunately the demonstration for Gino D’Acampo was sold out, so we got tickets to watch Valentina Harris, who after a bit of research, turns out to be quite the important Italian chef. When we arrived at the show around 10 am-ish, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. It was relatively quiet (although early), and I have to be honest that I was a little disappointed at first.

However, once we made it through the second set of doors things began to change. The first stand that caught our eye was for the restaurant Fratelli Bufala. It’s an Italian chain that I’ve visited in Naples that is opening up it’s first restaurant in London on the 27th March I believe. When I went to the one in Naples I had the most delicious salad, and the mozzarella really was incredible. At the exhibition it was no different. The mozzarella was creamy and rich, not like the stuff you can buy in the supermarkets here which is so watery! Let’s just say that I will definitely be hunting down their Shaftsbury Avenue restaurant in the very ,very near future.


Upstairs there were more food and drink vendors, as well as crafts, fashion and information stands. Ryan and I weaved around all the different stands, tasting the various freebies of cheeses, cured meats and dips. It was all so delicious! At 11.15am we got given our first free beer – result!


We also found a stand that was selling my favourite cocktail of all time, The Spritz. I’ll save the details for another post, but a true Spritz is bascially 1 part Aperol with 2 parts Prosecco and a slice of orange. The most delicious drink ever, although not all my friends like it!


At 12pm Ryan and I took our seats to watch Valentina Harris. We got more free food in the form of cheeses and meats, and yes, more free beer! Valentina was very entertaining to watch, and I really liked the look of the two recipes she made. There was a blue cheese, pear and rocket salad and a tomato and mozarella pasta dish. Mmmm!


After the show Ryan and I were on the look out for Gino D’Acampo. We were lucky enough to spot him hiding away in the press area up on a balcony, and with a lack of security, walked right up there! Gino D’Acampo was so lovely and friendly, and charming. I have to be honest, I expected him to be a bit arrogant and rude, but he was the complete opposite. He seemed truly happy to be there and was more than happy to have my photo with him. I got a bit star struck (and tipsy…) though and was jabbering away at him in a mix of Italian and English. Bit weird really….


We decided to stand behind the roped off area to watch Gino’s demonstration, which was very funny, where we got, you guessed it, more free beer! I was seriously starting to get well on my way at this point! I don’t think my hand was empty for nearly the whole time we were there!


After watching Gino’s demonstration Ryan and I wondered round the rest of the stands trying more samples, and even buying things! We bought some red wine from a producer in Benevento, Southern Italy and some delicious hazelnut liquer that I have been wanting for ages! We also got some great tasting pestos, a cup of ice cream and I convinced the man at the Spritz stand to sell me two gorgeous glasses. Speaking Italian has its uses Winking smile.


All in all, it was an absolutely great day, and I would definitely go again without a shadow of a doubt! It’s really got me in the mood for the Vitality show that I’m going to in a couple of weeks!

Have you ever been to a food festival/show or watched live cooking demonstrations?

Before I forget….

Laura @ Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish is having a giveaway!

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes is having a giveaway!

Mega Veggie Curry and Protein Ice Cream Fail

Hello! Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend! Rylar and I are off to La Dolce Vita Event on Saturday, drinks with friends on Saturday night and having a lazy one on Sunday. I’m hoping to fit in a food shop and 5 mile run too. So maybe not quite so lazy….

There’s something special about Fridays, wouldn’t you agree? The past two Fridays I’ve really been excited about the weekend starting and have definitely been in that ‘Friday feeling’ mood. Plus, I’m really enjoying my job at the moment and the week is just flying past! To help kick off the weekend I’ve been enjoying some delicious, but healthy foods that get me in the mood without breaking my diet.

I’m going to share my mega veggie curry, which I have to say is a perfect replacement for a take away curry. It’s so delicious, packed full of veggies, and less than 300kCal/serving. Win Win! I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all having this!


Mega Veggie Curry (vegan)

Makes around 10 cups. Each serving = 1.5cups


3 cloves garlic

2 medium onions

1 head cauliflower

1 butternut squash

250g mushrooms, chopped

250g chickpeas (1 tin drained)

glug rice bran oil

8 tsp Pataks curry paste

2 tins chopped tomatoes

20 green beans, chopped

1 tbsp tomato puree

3 spring green leaves, finely chopped

1 sachet of Pataks coconut milk and 550ml of water


Fry the onion and garlic in the rice bran oil. Once softened, add the curry paste. Cover the onion and garlic in the paste and then add in all the chopped veggies apart from the spring green leaves. Coat all the veggies in the curry paste, and then add in the chopped tomatoes, coconut milk mixture, and tomato puree. Have a good stir and leave to simmer for around 40 mins, stirring occasionally. I put a lid on mine so I wouldn’t lose too much of the moisture. After around 40mins add in the finely chopped spring greens and leave for another 5 mins to wilt.

Serve with rice or naan and your favourite Indian beer – Kingfisher for me!

015 I have to say the cauliflower was the star of this meal, it soaks up all the flavours, and if you ever felt you were missing meat, the cauliflower would replace that missing for you!


This week I’ve also tested my new blender, and my first experiment was Protein ice cream. I followed Laura’s recipe which you can find here.

However, I’m not sure if I didn’t put enough ice cubes ink ( 6 ), or too much powder (once Spirutein sachet), or not enough milk (1 cup), but it tasted not too nice. I think the majority of the failure was down to the flavour of the protein powder (strawberry). It was not good! Laura also mentions if you add too many gums it can change the consitency and make it funny, so maybe I did that too! I topped mine with nutella. Yum!


I ended up not eating most of it, as it really wasn’t too nice. However, I have other flavoured Spirutein powders so I’ll try and try again. It’s good to know that my new blender is up for the job though, although it is pretty noisy!!

Have you done anything nice this weekend?

Any recommendations for other things to make in my blender? And what flavour protein powder would you recommend?

Back from a Long Hiatus!

Hello! Does anyone still read this? It has certainly been a long time! Eeek, over a month!!

I’ve been busy at work with some really exciting projects coming up, and I’m definitely feeling a lot more positive about things than I was!

I’ve been on a lovely holiday with Rylar to Palermo, so you can expect a couple of posts covering up that!

I’ve also had a couple of other exciting things. I’ve signed up for a 10K at the end of March, for Sports Relief which I’m certainly a bit nervous for! I really need to kick up my training!

I’ve also signed up to go to an Italain expo next weekend called La Dolce Vita event, and the week after it’s St Paddys day, and then I’m going to the Vitality show, which I’m really excited for! I know Jemma from Celery and Cupcakes went last year and I think she had a great time!

I’m off to catch up on blogs I’ve missed, I’ll be back!!!

