2012 in Review

2012 has been a fun year for me and I’ve had lots of great experiences. Here’s a few of my favourite things I did this year, in case you missed them!

A theatre trip to see the Wizard of Oz


A lazy, rainy weekend (and photos of a trip to Palermo)


La Dolce Vita Expo (where I met Gino D’Acampo) – Definitely going back next year!

Sports Relief 10K

Easter and a Cookie Exchange


A weekend in Berlin

My fear of driving

Palio 1

A weekend in Siena Part 1 and Part 2

A blogger meet up with the lovely Tam from Salad and Sequins

Reigate Summer 10K


A weekend in Montreux


A week in Crete

I signed up for a Triathlon in 2013

2012-11-23 21.51.46

I saw Rufus Wainwright in concert

My blog celebrated it’s first birthday

I started a new job!


I turned 24! and saw Viva Forever


What were your favourite highlights of 2012?

Sports Relief 6 Mile Race Recap

A few Sundays ago I participated in the Sport Relief ‘mile’, except I chose the 6 mile version. I signed up for it so long ago that even though I had it in my diary, my training for it wasn’t what it could have been, surprise surprise!

The race was held the day the clocks changed, which meant getting up even earlier for the race. They had the 6 mile race twice during the day, and boy am I glad I chose the 10.30am one, it was such a hot day I think I’d have really suffered if I went for the mid afternoon session.


I woke up around 7am and ate a bagel as fuel before going back to bed for an hour before the race. Ryan and I walked down to the start leisurely as we hadn’t been there before, but it was easy to find and actually in a really nice part of our new home town. The start was a big disorganised, and I was surprised how few people were running the 3 and 6 mile race.

I kept saying to Ryan how unprepared I felt, and how I might drop down to the 3 Miles. I’m glad I didn’t though! The race took place on all completely new roads to me, covering hills, trails and a golf course! It’s pretty close to where I live so I’ll definitely be going out to explore this new area some more.


The first mile or so felt relatively easy despite the hill, but around 2.5 miles the heat started getting to me. I picked up some free water and carried on, but I was getting overtaken a lot. The bottle of water probably slowed me down a bit and once I ditched it I felt a lot freer. I also got some pretty bad chafing under my arm, but that was my own fault for not wearing a sports tank top and just wearing a cheap cotton one instead!

The course was two laps of 3 Miles, so once I was half way through I knew how to pace myself for the rest of the race. For the second half of the race I was pretty much running on my own, and I think I was the last person. Whilst it was quite nice not to feel any competition I think a bit of competition would have sped me up!


I finished the course, which actually turned out to be 5.6 Miles and I felt like I could have gone on further. My knees also didn’t feel bad like they did after my last 10K race.

Here are my splits:

Mile 1 = 11:21

Mile 2 = 11:58

Mile 3 = 11:53

Mile 4 = 11:55

Mile 5 = 11:35

Mile 0.6 = 07:00

Total time = 1:05:44

Average pace = 11:43

I know I’m not breaking any records, but it definitely gives me something to work on! I’d love for my next race that my splits be under 11 min/mile each and that will take some hard work!

Now I have to plan my next race! Any suggestions? What races do you have coming up?

My current training plan and fitness goals

Happy Thursday everyone! It’s nearly the weekend, hurrah! I’m off to the Vitality show this weekend, how exciting! Plus I have my 10K on Sunday for Sports Relief.

It feels like every week or month I decide on a new goal for my fitness plans, and if you go back over my posts you’ll probably realise I’m not that great at sticking to what I plan when it comes to fitness! Well, I’m hoping things will start to change….I’ve got some really supportive and motivated people behind me helping me at the gym, and I’ve found a plan that seems to fit what I want to achieve and seems fairly realistic!

I am aiming to train up to cover a half marathon distance in time for the summer so I can be comfortable with this length of race for the autumn and then cut down my time for a half marathon in maybe October/November. I am using this plan as a guideline, and I like the way it uses minutes instead of length for the midweek run. Perfect for me, as I like to see I’m covering more distance everytime as my pace increases, (well at least that’s the plan!). I’m currently at Week 4. So if all goes to plan, building in time for my holidays etc I should be up to that sort of distance around the end of May!

I also want to focus on building up my core strength and toning up my arms. I plan on doing this with LBT classes, weights machines and I am sorely tempted to bring in the 30 day shred. Now that I no longer have to worry about University commitments like the previous years, I’m hoping to shape up for summer! Plus I’m really getting into running and having a bit of structure to my runs will be good. I’ll be following up this plan with a catch up every weeks so hopefully you can see how I’m getting on!

Here’s a loose structure of what my work out week should look like;

Monday – Spin class – 45 minutes + Weights

Tuesday – Tempo run + Cross Train

Wednesday – Outdoor easy run

Thursday – LBT class + Weights + Cross Train + Speed work

Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – Ab works

Sunday – Long Run

How do you plan your work outs? Do you go with the flow or do you like to have something to work towards?

Back from a Long Hiatus!

Hello! Does anyone still read this? It has certainly been a long time! Eeek, over a month!!

I’ve been busy at work with some really exciting projects coming up, and I’m definitely feeling a lot more positive about things than I was!

I’ve been on a lovely holiday with Rylar to Palermo, so you can expect a couple of posts covering up that!

I’ve also had a couple of other exciting things. I’ve signed up for a 10K at the end of March, for Sports Relief which I’m certainly a bit nervous for! I really need to kick up my training!

I’ve also signed up to go to an Italain expo next weekend called La Dolce Vita event, and the week after it’s St Paddys day, and then I’m going to the Vitality show, which I’m really excited for! I know Jemma from Celery and Cupcakes went last year and I think she had a great time!

I’m off to catch up on blogs I’ve missed, I’ll be back!!!

