Under the Tuscan sun | Siena

It’s no surprise to anyone who has read my blog for any length of time how much I love Siena. Having spent a year living and studying in the city, it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

Palio 1

After leaving Elba early on Monday morning, Ryan and I travelled up to Siena to get ready for three days of Palio. It was a long train journey up there, and whilst I slept for the majority of it thanks to some excellent travel sick tablets, they completely knock me out!

When we eventually got to Siena, many hours later, we made our way to our hotel, on the perimeter of the city. Pretty much every time we go to Siena we stay at Hotel Alma Domus. It’s in a fantastic location just inside the city walls, an excellent price and includes breakfast. A walk into the centre and Piazza del Campo takes just 10 minutes, I really couldn’t recommend it more. I think from the last time we stayed there they have done the rooms up, so it was really nice inside.


Once we unpacked and got freshened up we walked down into to Piazza del Campo to grab a massive slice of pizza, a beer and meet up with two of my friends who were also in Siena for the Palio. I honestly had forgotten just how good the piazza in Siena is – wow! So, so, so, delicious.


We stayed in Piazza catching up on what we’d all been up to and waiting for the prova. The prova is a practice horse race round Piazza, to get the horses and the jockeys used to what to expect on the day, and to see how the horses run. Some people say that it can be a good indicator of who may win on the day, but I really don’t think so.


After the prova we walked down to one of my all time favourite bars in Siena, Bella Vista. Bella Vista is famous for one thing, their mojitos. It was great to see the same barmen working there as when I used to go a couple of years ago, and although the location has changed, the atmosphere and drinks most definitely have not. We enjoyed a couple of mojitos, some crisps, chatted a lot and had a great evening.


After a lie in Tuesday morning, we got ready for arguably the most exciting day of the holiday, for me at least – Il Palio!!! We went for breakfast at one of my favourite little cafes tucked down a little side street off the high street. A fruit juice and pastry later, Ryan and I set off to do some sight seeing. I took him around all my favourite places and interesting sights, we did an awful lot of walking!




After a long shady pit stop for lunch and a bit more of a wonder Ryan and I made our way back to Piazza to get a good spot ready for the race. We stocked up on some delicious refreshing granita and got ready for the long haul. It was a hot day, and it felt like it took hours for the shade to come down over us. The atmosphere in Piazza was contagious, everyone getting excited about what was to come of the three round 90 second race. Mid afternoon the parade started and the excitement in Piazza raised a notch.



Having sat on the edge last year with a proper seat with my Grandma, it was different again to watch the parade from within the Piazza. You definitely get to appreciate more of the costumes and effort that goes into the long parade a bit more sat on the edge, unless you’re super tall to see over the crowd from the centre. Even so I really enjoyed seeing the flag throwing, which is very impressive. I’m always impressed by the costumes and how the men manage in them all day, they look so hot and sweaty! DSCN3711

Once the horses got onto the course it felt like forever for them to be lined up properly in the order for the race to start. Everyone was getting hot, tired and impatient. However, as soon as the horses took off for the race, the atmosphere became electric. The crowd were going crazy cheering these horses round the course, and as long as it took to start was as quick as it took to finish. 90 sweet, short, exciting seconds for the Oca to be crowned winner.


The Oca winning was particularly special for me, because that’s the contrada I used to live in. Our hotel was above the Oca contrada centre too, so I warned Ryan that with the excitement of them winning, it was unlikely we’d get a good nights sleep – I was right!!

Dinner on Tuesday night I took Ryan to my another one of my favourites – Pomodorino. Arguably the best pizza in Siena, I have been telling Ryan about this place for years, so I couldn’t wait to take him there! I think Ryan agreed at just how good the pizza there is. Wine and pizza later, Ryan and I took a long walk around the city soaking up the atmosphere of the city and the winning contrada celebrating.




On the Wednesday Ryan and I woke up early and tired from the little sleep we had from all the celebrating. We had a mooch around the city and then went back to the hotel for a long nap and some relaxing book reading. The holiday felt like such a whirlwind the break to just do nothing that day was definitely needed!



On Wednesday evening we went to another one of my favourite restaurants, which again I had been raving about to Ryan – Nonna Gina. I have been going on to Ryan for forever about the stuffed gnocchi that Nonna Gina does, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Neither did the fantastically priced caraffes of red wine, which we kept ordering more and more of, and neither did the plate of meats and cheeses we had for our antipasti.


Bellies full and a long walk back to the hotel later, we hoped for a good nights sleep before the next stop on our holiday  – Florence.

2012 in Review

2012 has been a fun year for me and I’ve had lots of great experiences. Here’s a few of my favourite things I did this year, in case you missed them!

A theatre trip to see the Wizard of Oz


A lazy, rainy weekend (and photos of a trip to Palermo)


La Dolce Vita Expo (where I met Gino D’Acampo) – Definitely going back next year!

Sports Relief 10K

Easter and a Cookie Exchange


A weekend in Berlin

My fear of driving

Palio 1

A weekend in Siena Part 1 and Part 2

A blogger meet up with the lovely Tam from Salad and Sequins

Reigate Summer 10K


A weekend in Montreux


A week in Crete

I signed up for a Triathlon in 2013

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I saw Rufus Wainwright in concert

My blog celebrated it’s first birthday

I started a new job!


I turned 24! and saw Viva Forever


What were your favourite highlights of 2012?

Having a catch up and a blogger meet up!


Wow, it has been a while since my last post! I hope you all enjoyed my recaps from my weekend in Siena (Part 1 and Part 2), I definitely had a blast and it made me a bit nostalgic for my old home!




Last week I also went on my first official overnight stay with work. It was really enjoyable. In the evening they had an awards ceremony and I was shocked to discovered I had been nominated for the ‘Wild card’ choice! I feel like I work really hard at work and to have that acknowledged and rewarded is such a great feeling. It was all based on feedback from other members of staff, and there’s nothing better than that! And as a reward I get to go to Montreux, in Switzerland for three days! I spent Thursday evening celebrating with one too many glasses of Pinot Grigio and a JagerBomb or two….Needless to say I was feeling a little fragile on Friday morning! However, I’m proud to say I made it the whole day at work, despite my hangover.

On Saturday morning I was up bright and early at 6am to get the train down to Brighton to meet the lovely Tam from Salad and Sequins. She invited me along for a Bikram class, and I had a brilliant time. She took me to a great juice place down in Brighton after the class, and although due to feeling a bit nauseous I just stuck to Orange Juice I can’t wait to go back there to try some more interesting things. Tam is just as lovely as she seems on her blog and I hope we can catch up again soon! After spending time with Tam I spent the afternoon wondering around Brighton and enjoying the sunshine. I managed to get my iPod fixed and spent time in a lovely cafe enjoying my book….50 Shades of Grey! Yes, I jumped on the band wagon and I’m not ashamed to admit it!!

(Photo pinched from Tam!!)

On Sunday I spent a lovely day with my friend wondering around Guildford and then we went bowling. I haven’t been bowling in forever, and I honestly had such a great time! In the evening we went out for a Toby Carvery which was delicious.

This week has been a nice chilled one for me, which to be honest has been just what I needed! I went to the gym Monday and attempted it on Tuesday, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Wednesday and Thursday I skipped the gym altogether in favour of coming home early, something I haven’t done in such a long time. It was lovely. I even managed to book my summer holiday! I’m off to Crete in September with one of my oldest friends and I can’t wait. September is shaping up to be pretty awesome with my trip to Montreux, Crete and then my first half marathon!

I spent Friday night getting my bake on which was lovely. They were all gifts, which I really enjoyed making. For me the best bit about baking is the actual making part, and so I called this ‘guilt free baking’ because I didn’t get the guilt of eating too many afterwards! My friend picked them up Saturday morning and I hope he was pleased with them!!




My design brief was:

-heart shaped

-leopard print icing



-purple flowers

I think I stuck to the brief pretty well, and I was given free reign over everything else. I used a recipe from my favourite recipe site BBC Good Food which was really easy. Although I don’t know how it tastes!! You can find the recipe here.

Saturday morning I went for an early morning run, it was killer!! Then I spent the rest of the day at a work Family Fun Day which was brilliant, and I spent Saturday night chilling in front of the TV. A perfect relaxed week all in all, just what I needed.

Il Palio di Siena – 2012


Carrying on from my previous post, I am going to share the details of Il Palio with you! To me it’s so important that it deserves its own blog post!




Siena is split into 17 contrade, or neighbourhoods, and each July and August 10 of these contrade compete in a three lap horse race around the central pizza, Il Campo, to win the much coveted Palio. This is a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years, and the Sienese take their traditions very seriously. They wear the same costumes that they would have worn 100s of years ago, sing the same songs and beat the same tunes with their drums in the days leading up to the event for the big Parade around Il Campo before the race.




Whilst living in Siena I lived in the contrada of the Oca (goose), which I was lucky enough to see win the race last year. The atmosphere was incredible, and made all the more special because I had lived in the Oca for a year, so I truly felt I could celebrate something incredible. It’s hard for people who just visit Siena for a weekend or more to understand just how important Il Palio is. I think for tourists it’s just a quirky Italian horse race, but honestly, having lived and breathed the build up to Il Palio for a year it is so much more than that. I’ve never seen grown men cry like I did the first year when they pick the horses for the race and a certain contrada got given a bad horse. Interestingly, nor have I ever heard such obscene Italian profanities as I did that day, but I’ve since experienced a Palermitan football match and heard much worse!




This year I took my Grandma, or ‘nonna’ to Siena with me and we were lucky enough to buy some luxury seats around the edge of Il Campo to watch Il Palio. In previous years I have stood in the centre of Il Campo amongst 28,000 other people to watch the race and soak up the atmosphere, but if you’re short, like my nonna, you don’t stand a chance of seeing all that much! As it was a once in a lifetime trip for my Grandma we decided not to spare the expense and plumped for some seats. It was a great choice and I saw so much more of the race this year than in previous years, which really added to the excitement and adrenaline rush.




We got into our seats around 4.30pm and the festivities began in Piazza del Campo promptly at 5.20pm with a two hour long parade. I really enjoy watching the parade and seeing the Sienese take such pride in their city and Il Palio. They are all so serious about it!


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At 7.30pm the horses left the bottom of Torre del Mangia to make their way to the beginning of the race. Up until this point the piazza is noisy, full of people chatting and cheering and enjoying themselves. But as the horses begin to line themselves up Il Campo falls deathly silent, so as not to upset the horses. This is serious business!




This year despite traditionally Il Palio having 10 horses racing there was only eight because unfortunately two horses were injured during the practice prove. The horses were very lively this year and it took a long time for them to line up correctly, which meant there was even one false start! Once Il Palio finally started I was sat on the edge of my seat and it was clear from the beginning that the Onda (wave) was headed for a win!




We were so lucky with our seats that the winning horse stopped right in front of us, so we got to see he Ondiaoli celebrating! As I said before, without being there it’s difficult to truly understand how much winning Il Palio means to the people of Siena.






And finally hopefully a video that I took straight after the Onda won! Thank you for letting me share such a magical day with you all! I’ll be back in July 2013, no doubt!



A weekend in Siena

Last weekend I jetted off to Siena in Italy for a fantastic time to experience my third Palio. As some of you may know, when I was 21 I spent a year living and studying in Italy – hence the name of my blog! I try to go back to Italy as often as I can and the Palio was something I could not miss! Palio is a very special unique festival to Siena which happens twice a year on the 2nd July and 16th August, but the cittadini spend the whole year preparing for the big day! Having spent a year in Siena it is something that feels to be a part of me, so much so that I’ve been there three years in a row, and have every intention of making it there on the 2nd of July every year from now forward! You may recognise the Palio from the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, when at the beginning of the race 007 escapes into a crowd of people during a horse race.

We started our trip in Pisa where I took my Grandma to see the famous leaning tower. It really is a lot smaller in real life, but something that must be seen, and when you land in Pisa airport it really isn’t all that far to go and see!

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From Pisa Siena is about a 2 and half hour train journey which takes you through the beautiful Chianti wine region and lots of vineyards. Once we arrived in Siena we headed to our hotel, Hotel Chiusarelli, which was fantastic. The location was perfect and the room was air conditioned with comfy beds and it features in a fantastic book called Juliet by Anne Fortier all about Romeo and Juliet and the Palio! Definitely worth a read. We then headed out to Il Campo to get some pizza and beer!


Over the course of the time we were there we watched all the practice prove (horse races/trials) from inside Il Campo so my Grandma could experience the best of both worlds and really benefit from the seats we splashed out on for the actual race!

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During the days we spent time going around all my favourite spots in Siena which made me feel very nostalgic and I really appreciated what a fantastic year I spent living there and just how lucky I was. I think at times I really took Siena for granted. I know you shouldn’t wish your life away but I seriously spend a lot of my time wishing I could go back there!

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And who could forget one of the most important things about Italy? The pizza!! I had the Quattro Stagioni which was black olives, artichokes, prosciutto and mushrooms. Life doesn’t get much better than this pizza!!!


I’ll talk about the actual race in a separate post because it’s so special and important!

The week in review!

Wow, I’ve had a super busy week this week. Work has been crazy busy with all sorts of things and has just left me feeling exhausted. In an effort to get myself known within the company and boost my CV I signed up to loads of extra activities, but the all seem to be happening at once. On the plus side as tiring as it all is, I am enjoying it all and I feel like I’m doing something right. I also had some flattering news after finding out I’d been elected to be an employee rep for my department. I can never really tell what people think about me at work, so it was very reassuring to know people believe in me enough to represent them. At least, I hope that’s what it was!

The next two weeks are going to be crazy for me with training for various things within work, a massive charity campaign, a long weekend in Italy and a 10K race. I’m already looking forward to the 7th July when I can have a break!

One big achievement for me this week is that I decided to pluck up the courage and go for a big to me drive! On Saturday I drove from my little Surrey town up to Croydon to visit Ikea! It was pretty scary at points, and for me it marks a big step in my driving. Especially based on this post! I had a great time wondering round the Ikea isles and I had to be so restrained with what I bought. I did end up with a new chair and it marks my first experience with an Allen key! So two achievements in one day, to say I was proud of myself is an understatement!!!






I’ve also spent a bit of time organising my room and packing for my holiday next week to Italy. I’m only going for four days but I’m so excited. I’m going to catch up with some old friends and get to watch Il Palio!


Il Palio di Siena




The start of packing. I depressed myself a bit though by trying on clothes I wore last summer that now do not look good on at me at all. I don’t think I’m that much heavier than I was. Hence why the suitcase is only half full! I think I’ll save the rest of the packing for later in the week!! I’ve checked the weather forecast and it’s going to be 30 degrees when I’m there, so shorts will be the order of the day!

This week I’m hoping to go to the gym 4 times, pack for my holiday and stay on track with my eating.